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Were you happier as a believer or non-believer?

I hear Christians especially telling me how much happier they are now since getting closer to the Lord and I was starting to just wonder if the reason why they are much happier is because of psychology reasons and them being convinced or convinced themselves that they feel happier. I’ve tried several times and could few nothing at all. I’m also starting to think the reason they probably feel happier is cause they put all responsibilities on a deity instead of dealing with their own. What are some of your stories and how you feel?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 13

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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Hard to compare, I don't remember believing.


As a non believer I am free.
Free to do what I believe is right,
any rewards or punishments are the result of my own freely chosen actions.


Believers are liars pretending that heaven bribes and hell threats make them feel happy. ....I hated believers telling me lies about boy Ishtar bunnies laying candy eggs on dogshit lawns AND fat alleged Santa Claus fitting down our 5 inch wide heater exhaust pipe with flying reindeer leaving no trace on our roof but most of all I hated the unanswered prEyers to an alleged all knowing bible gawd. ...I feel fine being the natural born Atheist that all humans are @ birth but I miss never knowing what my intact penis would feel like never being tortured @ age 5 days old by a Catholic Osteopath amputating 4 square inches off my natural body without pain killer or being put to sleep. ...fuck religious violent perpetrators for all their lies and crimes against humanity



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