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How often are you asked what church you attend? Follow up: What state do you live in?

cercatrova 6 Dec 13

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I have lived in Kentucky, Indiana, Maine, Utah, Arizona ALabama and New Mexico. THe only state that question came up was in ALabama. Being churched as super important there. I answered Catholic since I was raised such (weak moment) I then realized it may have been better to say none since they view Catholics as the spawn of Satan. THe questions were almost daily accompanied by discussion about conversion


never and none


I used to get asked that a lot when I lived in the South. I've been here in Washington State since 2003 and I very rarely get asked that here. The Pacific Northwest is one of the least church affiliated regions of the country, which is one of the many things I love about living here.


Most people I know who might be religous don't advertise it. they're working people, wife husband mother father friend daughter son etc who go to church on Sunday doesn't lessen it they just don't shove it in your face. talk to them for a month it might not even come up.
i'm in Texas. one of the worst depending on where you live. I am inbetwen Corner Stone led by a fat bloated racist homophobe Hagee and Houston with charliton fraud milltionaire Osteen


In my little corner of New Mexico, one would assume that would be a common question, but it has come up only twice in twenty years.


I have lived in Texas, Virginia, Kansas, and Missouri and no one has ever asked me that.


Colorado and no one asks me that.

Colorado Springs is the most metropolitan city in the state even above Denver due to its transient population, so that does not surprise me. I live in the Florence/Canon City area that is likely to be one of the most religious areas barring Pueblo and simply never get asked the question either. It may be that If religion does come up in the conversation, I fairly quickly mention that I am an atheist.


I have lived in many places I now am in New Mexico that question does not come up that often nor did it in California. It did a few times in Pennsylvania. When I was in South Carolina it seemed a daily question.


I grew up in Ireland, so since nearly everybody was catholic, nobody asked, just presumed. Now I am in the UK, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked


I live in NY and I was never asked such question.


Ever since I have lived in WA and OR, in the Portland/Vancouver are, nobody has ever asked me that.

Portland, Oregon has the lowest church attendance of any major city in the U.S.... or at least has the most people who admit to not attending church.


Very rarely - they know better.


I get that from time to time but not since I got divorced. I used to say I was "Methapalian" since I grew up in the Methodist church and the wife was Episcopal. I had a lot of fun with that! I'm in TX.


I live in NH-no one really asks me that. People who have known me for years assume I am still Jewish.

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