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Song Dedication

If you could dedicate a song on the radio right now, which song would you choose and to whom would you dedicate it?

I’d choose this for my son, Jake..

AMGT 8 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Crazy on You []

To myself....just because it's my favorite song. Not because of the lyrics. ?

How do I add a video? ?

@AMGT got it. Not sure what I was doing wrong but problem solved. Thanks.


For my adorable girlfriend Carol: "Candy" by Iggy Pop and Kate Pierson:

I can't let you go. ❤️

For you, honey. ❤️???

@CM1965 Thank you adorable!

@Palindromeman ❤️ You're very welcome! ???

@CM1965 Back at you!

@Palindromeman and for you...

@CM1965 Thanks adorable!


To my sons, Kris and Max. Having lost custody of them when they were little as a product of divorce, this song always got to me.

Duke Level 8 May 14, 2018

To all my beautiful friends out there. I love ya!
Watch "john sebastian - rainbows all over your blues" on YouTube


It probably doesn’t take too much guessing for mine. At least to get in ballpark

Where Eagles Dare

For my Dakota Bear


Too many people to choose from, and too many reasons. I'm afraid I can't choose just one, and if I started a list, I'd be here all night.


'Express Yourself' by Madonna for my future male model, adonis lover who adores me - whom I haven't met yet.

When you find him will you check to see if he has a brother or cousin I could borrow?

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