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LINK Death of Louisiana black man during arrest ruled homicide by ‘asphyxia,’ coroner says - The Washington Post

Let me point out that the exact cause of death was ruled to be COMPRESSIONAL ASPYXIA, which is basically saying he was choked to death. Let's get these headlines accurate, folks! But I guess saying that would be too inflamatory? Snort!

BookDeath 8 May 15

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It's actually worst than choking
Compressional asphyxia is caused by kneeling, sitting, or standing on a person’s chest or back while attempting to restrain him, or after the person is secured.


I like now they tried to cover it up by saying he had asthma and there was poor air quality that day. When actually it was found he had severe neck trauma. Keep posting the truth, because this will never end.

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