What is the single most impossible trait to do without in a mate?
Though the second on the list is not far away, I'd have to say... a thinking mind.
sexual compatability
didn't occur to me because never been in that strange situation but I reckon couldn't bare that situation just won't feel right to me. Everything else will be Nulled!!!! What will be of the relation without a good bed?
In a mate ( man or woman) best bud, or in romantic life mate, trust heads my list.
The Bed has to be Right otherwise can you call her/him really a mate?
I don't much cruise hospital's for the brain dead chick's, either....hehe...communication opens the road to all the other traits, so I'm going with communication....I'll toss number 2 in for free...laughter...laughter is the thing I remember most about every good time.
Patience and a willingness to compromise.
Recognition that no-one is perfect and that we all have struggles that we must work through.
A mate would need to have the willingness to lift a person up as they work through the things that they are struggling with and to have the ability to see, acknowledge, and to become accountable and have the willingness to work toward modifying their own flaws as well.