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LINK The Afterlife

My very first postπŸ™‚

I wanted to dedicate it to a video that helped me through some hard thoughts. If it helps atleast one other person then it has done its job. Remember you aren’t the only one, and you are not alone.

Freethinkerr 6 May 16

Enjoy being online again!

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What a beautiful piece! Thank you so much for this!


Thank you for sharing, I think it is beautiful.


Thank you, I liked this. It is a thought that never dies, the eternal consciousness of thought. I noted the person who said all atoms never die, and that is where I stand, Our bodies are indeed star stuff or universe stuff and the decomposition of our shell has no death toll on our atoms. We are always eternal and fortunately do not have to deal with time, That would be a bitch

EMC2 Level 8 May 16, 2018
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