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Is there meaning in life or is meaning something we create and fulfill (or not.)

I just got my Bachelor's degree and a theme I used in many of my papers was "meaning in life", logotherapy, where we get meaning, etc. Do you have a destiny in life? Is your life only meaningful if you consciously contribute to the good of man? Is god an easy fix to make the random something meaningful?

lovinglife48 4 Dec 14

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God, indeed is an easy fix. I don’t believe there is a general “meaning to life”, it is an individual experience, and meaning is found through our everyday actions and interactions. How we view and value other, as I believe this a reflection of the self with in. In the self we identify as “I” we find and interpret meaning about the life we lead.


I think it's up to us to create our own meaning to our lives. For me, if there's any meaning to life, it's to see what happens next!


no life just is. a meteor could wipe us out tomorrow.




I think that if we feel life has to be meaningful, then we create our own meaning... that is if we think for ourselves... Some people just let others tell them what to think about it.


We don't create as much as we think we do. Almost everything is biological. Meaning is not a condiment; it's baked in.

skado Level 9 Dec 14, 2017

Human beings create their own patterns of meaning in their own minds. Meaning exists only in the mind.


I think the latter. Assigned meaning would imply a pre-ordained or divine plan, which implies a creator, which we have no valid evidence for believing.

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