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QUESTION Why we are supposed to trust the consensus of a field that is based on experts who refuse to read their own peer reviewed literature and never actually respond to it, is still not explained. Yet “we should always believe the consensus” is his main argument. Which was an invalid argument when the historicity of Moses was challenged (as it’s now the mainstream view that he probably didn’t exist or can’t be known to have existed), so why it’s supposed to apply now begs a serious question. Hurtado needs to take my advice in How to Successfully Argue Jesus Existed. Desperately. Because he is making his own field look bad. Indeed, he is making it look wholly unreliable.

Hurtado claims “this is why the view has no traction among scholars”: “It’s not because scholars are gullible or lazy. The view just doesn’t stand up to critical scrutiny.” Yet, all Hurtado demonstrates is gullibility and laziness. He just trusts things he hasn’t confirmed; I caught him making several claims that are demonstrably false, and that he’d know were false if he bothered to check. And he is too lazy to go and read the actual literature to know if it’s sound. Even after being called out repeatedly for his errors and ignorance. He still won’t go and read the actual evidence and arguments, that actually met the standards of his field.

zblaze 7 Dec 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Any credible research cites the authors of dozens of studies, and they read dozens of pier reviewed papers to bolster their theses. This is on the last pages of any studies and is called cited literature. Anything that doesn't have this is no better than fiction.



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