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Do you expect an award when you’ve done a good deed?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 17

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No. "Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation begets disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest." Georgia Lass, 'Dead Like Me'


Nope! The reward was being able to do it!


Nope I expect a thank you acknowledging it. Otherwise your taking it for granted.



Zster Level 8 May 17, 2018

It depends. Certainly not an award, but simple appreciation goes a really long way. In some instances, as in a good deed done for a stranger, I can be doing it anonymously, in which no thanks can be given. I’ve been in the position of doing (many) serial good deeds for someone who is unappreciative, and I lose my desire. I’m also in the position at the moment of doing a huge good deed (regular child care, meal prep, etc. at no charge) and I’ve gotta say, show some appreciation! A simple (daily) sincere thank you is all it takes to make it worthwhile.




My dopamine levels better had


No, but my dog does.


No, not in the least.


Too cynical for that I'm afraid.


would I expect any kind of remuneration for a good deed. Being of the belief that no external force guides or intervenes in our lives. I have the belief as it were that when possible we should help other whenever possible. Non theistically speaking what comes around goes around. And hopefully if at some point we needed help someone would do the same for us. And in providing help I of course have been burned a few times. Yet I still continue on as I truly think there are more good people than not.


I don’t even expect any sort of recognition. Good deeds are done because that’s how society functions. You don’t need a pat on the head unless you’re a simpleton or a child.


And a cookie?

jab60 Level 6 May 17, 2018
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