Question for atheists, would you rather heaven existed or not? Personally as atheist I prefer this being the only life.
Life is never fair, or we'd all run the same, think the same, look the same etc. We shouldn't get more or fewer rights based on that though, all people alive managed to be born making us winners out of millions of sperm and lucky enough for the egg to be there. We all eventually die, it'd be unfair for death to be the same. I personally believe there is no afterlife and I'm not learning ancient Greek for the chance.
I believe in some weird stuff. Not a heaven per say and nothing can get you into just go there. I believe that we simply travel through dimensions as pure energy until we find a vessel to grow in. Energy doesn't have memories or feelings so there is no evidence that we ever existed before this life. Not reincarnation but similar. After all energy can't be destroyed.
Hoping that there is a reward system for being good, or putting up with the crap that happens everyday of our lives is a nice concept. I wish I could believe it. However, this might prevent me from making the time I have here truly meaningful. I accept the good with the bad and move on. I do the right thing because it makes me feel good now. Not because it earned brownie points on some arbitrary scale of good vs bad.
I do, but not of a heaven as religions describe. I would think to enjoy a perpetual lucid dream state, where I could will the reality that I experience, even to the point of being all done, at which point I could choose to cease existing, transiently or permanently.