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Did you know that i get up in the morning and talk to alexa and she talks back. I'm looking forward to a smarter version...

BucketlistBob 8 Dec 15

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I have an Alexa echo too. I love her voice. The great thing about her is, If I don't talk to her she doesn't talk to me. If she did I would unplug her. No she's great, she wakes me up, tells me the weather, headline news, plays my music, tells me jokes. She will also turn you lights on and off etc.
You can tell her to order something from Amazon too.


I refuse to have one in my house. I consider them a wiretapping device, and if they're not that now they will be soon



Have you asked Alexa "what is the meaning of life?"

Yeah...! She's not understanding that

BucketlistBob: Strange. When I asked mine she replied "42."


There is a data bank somewhere in the world, which records, and stores, everything you say to it. Keep that in mind.

It’s in the Terms Of Use contract you clicked OK to.

Hmmm.... look at the permissions on your phone apps! Thats a blast if you didn't know...

Yes, and that is why I use a Tor browser and VPN. I quite aware of my use and safety.

Here’s a funny little rule to follow...if you don’t want anyone to see or hear, don’t post it or text it or say it.

You got that right. They use text messages and Facebook in court...


Thats what happenned on my date from hell-he kept talking on his friggin phone. Gave up my blackberry-have a flip phone now.

I've always had a flip phone with prepaid credit. I think the IPhone and IPad are a markening ploy to get people to spend money on these expensive items that are not really necessary. Or maybe I"m just an old fashioned fuddy duddy.

@skyfacer I think we are old fashioned. I still have a flip phone and will not have one of those new fangled things until i am forced to

@btroje - me too… Most folks appear to use their device as a camera, internet surfboard, gps and podcast unit … and sometimes a phone.. I can talk, text, or forget where my flip-phone’s at πŸ™‚


I think Alexa is looking forward to a smarter version of me to be released…

when will you get out?

@btroje: resserts 2.0 is still in the planning stages. πŸ™‚


I talk to my Garmin GPS … and she can’t even talk back..

Varn Level 8 Dec 15, 2017
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