I've had to renew my health insurance for next year. I really like to cuss when I talk about this. I just can't believe medicine cost that much...
Some middle class people will see a tax break and others won't. As is typical of republican plans though, the top 1% will see the biggest breaks. Also as is typical of republican plans, the economy will not trickle down, businesses will just pocket the extra money, and in 4 or dare I say 8 years, the U.S. will be in further debt, the economy will have crashed, and it will take a democrat to try and fix the mess. Again.
Thanks for answering this...
Haven't read it yet, but if you want some light reading here's a copy of the plan.
Hell no. I expect to get reamed. In this past year, my effective earnings have dropped greater than 25%, due to the company switching to high deductible medical and the cessation of paying employee bonuses (execs and shareholders still get them, of course). So sure, go ahead and tax us more to reward those same greedy assholes.
My question: what will the top do once their customers are all broke and most of the money there is is out of the country?
I have non-taxable income so no tax cuts for me.
Us too....
The tax breaks now will, I fear, mean a gutting later of programs like Social Security and Medicare — so we might get it, but it will be snatched away from us when we really need it.
While corporations and billionaires are handed billiones, you'll get a small pitiance... which will be taken away in spades when programs that middle class and lower middle class families rely on are slashed.
As a person who runs their own home repair business, this tax plan depresses me. Thanks to the Republicans, I'm going to have to lower my prices so most of my customers can afford my services.
Oh.... and I don't even remember the last time I could afford health insurance.
Greeze... I'm so sorry.