If you had the money and you could, what would you buy for the sole purpose of changing your life?
I would buy a family. That's more wishful thinking then anything. 3/4 of my life is over and I've had people in my life that said they were family but it was just lies. It always turned out to be nothing close and I saw lots of backs. LOL I can laugh about it now because I have inner peace of knowing when life ends it ends and everything in my memories end with the end of life. A lot of endings there. But, all kidding aside, I would like to feel the love and closeness of a family but, the grass isn't greener on the other side. Like the saying goes, wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills the fastest.
a vast piece of land and let it go wild or keep it wild.
I just have 1/2 acre - but I did just what you're saying. The woods are so thick now, I cut trails through them - feels like a much bigger space than it is, and all the local wildlife use it as a refuge !
brilliant thank you
I'd buy a stratospheric combination VAWT / Solar Tower. Then when everyone so how well it works and how cheaply it produces power, people who saw me would pat me on the back and buy me a beer. (full disclosure: I am a Leo )
VAWT = Vertical axis wind turbine
Well ..if we’re reaching to that extent … a nation-wide radio network.. I’d staff it with folks like you! Everyone here would be offered a job! We’d make ‘a.. America Great Together!’ We’d counter the heaps of religious-republican propaganda, providing an alternative to what, in my mind, was the beginning of the end of rational politics in this nation… Don’t know that we’d be a moneymaker, so I may need to return for a second wish
...regarding family.. I’ve a small one, any more, it seems like only the 3 of us. Parents too old to count and siblings far enough into their own lives not to need my assistance. I think what we leave is the effect we’ve had on others and nature. An ‘American,’ it’s hard to imagine my carbon footprint could be erased by my good deeds or intentions … but perhaps I might influence our youth to do better with less. Glad you’re here..
I'm from the UK. Would I get a job? I feel unemployable
A home on a tropical island-maybe Costa Rica
A whole vault full of asset backed security bonds.
Money is merely a means to an end.
Mostly I would use the interest to supplement my income from working, and upon my death I would donate what ever the balance is to a charitable cause which I believed to be the most in need. Likely to some organization which provides education to disadvantaged individuals.
Then yea. I would buy money so I could use it to make more money.
A vessel to engage with my Mistress Sea. Mediterranean suits me as long my mate wants to tag along. Don't want to be lonely when I am alone.
Wow me too..why for you? Do you have children, parents, siblings? I really want to tell you why me too was my first response but I hate when people turn the convo back to themselfs. Tell me more please.
I feel you on the parents thing..I have one living parent who is toxic as hell and a father who had a tortured life and went on to torture us as well. I have no words to express how sorry I feel for you, me, and all the people in the world that have unloving or even hatefilled family members. Family can and should be loving and suportive but often are not. Sadly, when you have no early childhood family tha cared for you and treated you the way they should, you have no idea of how to create on of your own. I lucked out on that..maybe part luck, part my determination that my kids would not go thru what I did.. My kids and I have a great relationshi. One daughter that I struggle with, but I know she loves me. She is a fighter, and I have always been a pacifist. Friends and spouses can fill that void in your life and it is never too late to create a family. Well, at least that is what I think.
Truth....I realize that as a concept, you can't really 'buy' the truth, and some people won't let you have it at any price. To me, lies are the source of the most unhappiness on earth: lies of your spouse and family, lies of your politicians, lies of religious leaders. It's hard to live the life you think is right when you have the roadblock of lies constantly sending you on detours...
I would just keep farming until it was all gone.