I'm glad to see more and more people join the revolution against religion and dogma that has kept minds slaved and controlled for centuries. I believe it is our time to come forward and say enough to all pretty lies and crutches.
I just received a notice from Freedom From Religion Foundation about a court order concerning clergy housing allowance. This could cost churches millions of dollars and is one reason they hate groups like this so much. the link is:
I'm not inclined to waste my time fighting some revolition against religion, so long as religion does not force its ideals upon myself or anyone else who does not subscribe to their dogma.
Unfortunately, this is what we have happening in the United States right now. Militant religious groups are attempting to infiltrate my government, and I take serious issue with that.
When religious groups start keeping their beliefs inside their own homes and their own churches or temples, we will no longer have a problem.
Life is too short to start battles over small time bullshit. People can believe that the moon is made of green cheese and pray to the flying spagbetti monster god for all I care. Just don't try to force it upon me.
Unfortunately, the religious wrong have the stage right now and they see people like us as the enemy to be defeated at all costs.
We need to go beyond words and join groups as FFRF, the Humanists, Secular Student Alliance and other organizations devoted to keeping the wall of separation between Church and state standing. Give money, speak out, put up signs/posters and get others on board.