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QUESTION Masterpiece Cakeshop, “religious liberty,” and the culture wars - Vox

The idea that “religious liberty” is a mere cover for bigotry is misguided. The existing law of accommodation already contains within itself the resources to reject the claims that most trouble the left. The broader attack on religious liberty is inconsistent with the aspiration to have a society that is broadly hospitable to diversity.

Deep disagreement about moral fundamentals is nothing new; it is what religious diversity consists of. That ought to include disagreement about such fraught matters as sexuality. Moral disagreement about things that matter a lot is an inevitable consequence of a free society. The best we can hope for is to live peacefully together in mutual contempt.

Return the law of religious liberty to the reasonable equilibrium it had reached only a few decades ago, and we have a shot at achieving that goal.

zblaze 7 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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