How do you feel about this solution to healthcare? Was it the right choice?
In reality the only way to fix the Health care to take the greed and profit out of the equation...stop drug companies from direct to consumer advertising...have a pay cap on Hospital staff..implement preventive...nutritional...and natural non narcotic or chemical meds...stop looking at the medical establishment as corporation...with ceos..and stock holders...Health care should be for everyone..all insurance companies should disappear...universal health-care for all is the humane and moral thing to do...
When the legal drugs, kill you more than the illegally drugs. Then the system fill their prisons mostly up with illegal drug offenders. Then their is something horrible wrong with illustration by the Government . For the Greedy, it is not profitable it they sell your products that our healthy. Organic food, water and work out are most related to prevent the op 10 ways to die.
Everything is backwards.
Yes, I support the ACA. It may not be the best, but it's the best that could get through Congress.
For a US economy being the wealthiest in the world. Yet, to be ranked near the bottom of 1st world countries for health care is the worst for suffering. Just a fraction from your over crowded prisons or war budget would make America healthy and stable again.
Must be brainwashed out of their health.
Brainwashed like raked 43th in the world for freest news and media. Trump lowered it more.
Then raked 23rd as freest country in the world.
That is Nationaism for yeah, call me crazy, some do, because I am an artist.
Give me health and liberty, or death!!!
I'm the one who winds up paying the subsidies for people who need help, and apparently, giant insurance companies who also need help. And then I have to pay the increased premiums for my own (non-subsidized) coverage. And I supported the ACA. I just wish it hadn't been a big money grab for pharma and for-profit health care.
I think the Affordable Care Act had a few important improvements over how things were, specifically the ability to not be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions (necessitating a mandate), minimum levels of coverage (as many people didn't realize how useless their insurance was previously), and no lifetime caps. But I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like to see single-payer healthcare that's decoupled from employment, directly taxed, without a profit motive from health insurance companies where they attempt to delay or deny coverage because their top priority — by law — is to maximize profits for their shareholders. I want to see healthcare itself regulated in a practical way, so there are no surprises when getting a bill for care, emergency or otherwise. Healthcare isn't like other services and shouldn't be treated like it's the same as any market-based business. It's more akin to a utility in terms of the vital role it plays.
I support Democratic Socialism, not only because I am a humanist, though because I can read the writing on the wall, and there will soon be too few jobs (due to technology) and we will enter a massive poverty crisis without smashing fascism and runaway capitalism
No, I want to see runaway capitalism and the sociopaths behind it, held accountable for the poverty and harm it causes in our society, and be recognized as a crime.
For me,health care is a right, PERIOD !!!!!
Heck... I don't know... I suppose Its helping some. I just don't care for the penalty thing going on. I understand you have to apply for Obama care if you can't afford regular insurance... You lnow, I'm not really qualified to speak out on this.
We need more than this, but this is better than what the GOP will leave us with.