And we're screwed, again....
I hate to say it but these were the kind of things unions fought for. The workers today have no one looking after them. They republicans have soften safety rules that impede profit , they dump waste toxic products in the water. Now we must live with this toxic Supreme Court for some time.
do you hate to say it? Unions have been instrumental in pushing human rights forward. They've been the target of smear campaigns for decades for that reason. Don't drink the capitalist kool-aid lol.
@Blindbird My father lived only on social security becaused the union he worked under for 45years was broke from being crooked.
@Marine thats awful.
Is it time for all out revolt yet? I'm ready?
The start of the slippery slope.Do you have Zero hour contracts yet?
what are they?
What is a zero hour contract?
@HippieChick58 A "Contract" of employment that gives you No guaranteed hours,(they can send you home if they don't need you if its quite) No sick pay,No holiday pay,No guanteed "Minimum" wage.They are common now in the U.K.(Legalised Slavery!)
@Coldo Wow, that sucks big time.
@HippieChick58 You are heading there!
@Coldo I hope I can retire before that becomes a thing.
Good seems like we just can't get anything right!