Dating does not seem to have gotten any easier as I aged. I am 50, and I have an assumption that women in our age group who have been married/ or had long relationships, would just want to skip all the superficial stuff and get to the meat. I want to know if we are compatible, and discover any deal breaker stuff that caused problems in past relationships. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
Instead, the current state of dating, being mostly on-line, has created an atmosphere where women seem to be hyper vigilant. They look for key words, or phrases, to disqualify us. As if men didn't have it hard enough before, all the dic pics and shirtless selfies flying around have made trying to connect with a woman like applying to the FBI. It's like navigating a field of land mines- one wrong word and you are out. They go back to the computer and start shopping again.
If you actually get a date, my suggestion is to just let her talk. Maybe she will reveal some deal breakers before you step on a mine...
@Traveler7064 Uhm, I couldn't help notice you're a horse person? This is a sincere question and unfortunately puts you on the spot but how does a guy who's into horses not have women beating each other up for you? You should be swimming in bleep all day long LOL
I can only think of a few one word items that would have someone running the other way on face.
You are exactly right about online dating! If you are lucky enough to meet a woman in person they ARE just waiting like a tripwire for you to say something that they feel is a dealbreaker or a red flag in the conversation. Because as soon as you do they will count you as disqualified and go right back to their online shopping in the catalog of online photos and profiles. The problem is that they never seem to get the reality that each is person is a holistic, flawed person and you can't always be seeking a perfect partner. There must always be some compromise on our ideals for a partner and who we actually get, much less stay with long-term.
Anyone who's ever been married a long time comes to see and realize this. What puzzles me is how many women on dating sites say they have been divorced, but they sure don't seem to have learned much from their experience about themselves, their own contributions or fault in the divorce, or the reality of how relationships require compromise and flexibility, etc. Maybe I just need to wait on the women who are widowed like me....... And then they wonder why ( the divorced women especially), after a couple years or more on a dating site, that they are still looking for the right man even after meeting several or more from the site.....
Hi. My name is Rob. I have an 11 year old daughter and I’m a widower......oh......wait....where are you going?.......c.....o.....m.....e BACK!
Simple, show interest to get your date to talk about themselves. Ask open ended questions. Answer questions but don't focus too much on yourself. Focus on your date. People like to talk about themselves.
Hey... you like motorcycles... that's who i was when I dated... I did crazy stuff. I flew gyrocopters. Let's see now.... if they're afraid of motorcycles then thats the last date for them. That's how it starts out. I need to know they're experienced because it gets worse. Then there's the plane ride to go get breakfast or lunch at another town. If they can't handle a little ground effect then it stops there. I aint much of a talker. I wear jeans everywhere with an old Harley shirt. I wear a dress shirt when I go out.... when I like a lady and she's the one.... Then it all changes.
One must get in tuned with the personality of that person. Are they quiet, then you do more questions, if you got a yacker on your hands, then try to get them to be more objective on the subjects. Topics range from music, hobbies, adventures, whatever you have in common with that person.
Gee, I haven't been on a first date in over 30 years. I'm 2 years widowed so I think Its gonna happen. I'm sure it will be awkward. I am to old to play the "try to impress" game. I think I would just try to keep it real, be myself, keep it light and try to inject as much humor as I can. Humor is an aphrodisiac. Just ask Woody Allen, lol.