So many plot holes and bad decisions in this movie. Disney is killing star wars.... at least the new gen movies, the spin offs may be another story I guess we'll see when Solo premiers later this year. Anyway back to Last Jedi
My overall impression is, it was an exercise in style over substance. Visually in places it was amazing the whole hyperspace ramming scene was wow, but then its spoiled by Laura Dern's (totally redundant) character getting the heroic death scene which for my money should have been given to Admiral Ackbar. Another totally useless character was Benicio Del Toro's hacker ??? Why not just make Rose the hacker and what was the casino planet all about, just a ham fisted way of putting some social justice into the story ( I hate when filmakers get carried away with this crap just tell a good story fuck your political views, the whole Star Wars saga is already an epic of good vs evil, light vs dark so don't belabour the point unnecessarily). To make matters worse after making this 'point' then please explain to me why Rose frees all the alien 'racehorses' but leaves the kids enslaved ??
No lightsabre battle, and the brief team up between Rei and Kylo was just terribly clunky and all I could think was I miss the prequels at least they got that shit right ( go watch the Anakin vs Obi Wan fight again and compare) Also If Darth Maul had been around he would have cleared that room in in 2 seconds. Phasma.... the new BobaFett ?? if you mean underused and killed of in a stupid way then yes, what a waste... speaking of waste John Boyega was so underused in this movie, he's probably the closest thing to a new Han and they give him a ridiculous story arc and I'm not buying the romance with Rose at all that kiss was soooo awkward.
I could go on and on....but I think I've made my point
What they should have done is just give the whole shebang to Gareth Edwards as Rogue One was excellently done, he could be like Kevin Feige at Marvel a real fanboy who can keep all the train cars on the track
Well done Disney you're killing the golden goose one cut at a time.
Eh, the reactions are not nearly as binary as you may think. I for one enjoyed the movie, but felt it did have many flaws. This article sums up a few.