If there is a war on Christmas then Christmas started it! First they invaded Saturnalia and took it over completely. Then Christmas absorbed the holidays of Yule and the solstice celebration to make it their own. After that they repressed most of the best traditions, stomping them out through oppression and whitewashing. After squashing the holidays' cultures it went corporate and then on the offensive again, invading thanksgiving and threatening to overtake Halloween. It's even got a foothold in July!
If there is a war on Christmas it was started by Christmas. Only the bad guys rooted for the Nazis in WWII
Ya its trumps evangelicals that are the only ones that care about the difference between "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays".
I think to one extent it does exist. Seems like every holiday we have is under assault by the PC crowd. I am not a Christian so it really isn't my holiday but I can't pretend it is not happening.
Halloween, Columbus day, George Washington birthday, thanksgiving, and MLK day have all faced attacks.
I don't think anyone is trying to criminaliz holidays but I do think some people don't want certain holidays to exist.
I think Thanksgiving and Columbus day need to be reconsidered
The recent "actual" survey of Americans (i.e. that "election" ) would suggest otherwise
Sure, take your pick
Well good for ‘most Americans!’ The Religious-republican Party creates contention in order to rally it’s troops. Fortunately, this one was pretty easy to see through
...better attach where the photo (of the war on c-mess) came from - worth the read
oh man....oh man....don't tell me this...I WILL FIGHT HARDER!!! Oh, Xmas, you will rue the day you...um....xmassed. RUE THE DAY!!!...haha