Absolutely. During my whole life i have been in religious discussions and i already have said everything. And this is only with my atheist friends, i don't talk these things with religious people, you cannot use reason with people who does not use reason to choose their personal beliefs.
Yes I get bored with talking and thinking about God more now that I have left religion! How does that work with atheism?
I'm more interested in why people believe and why they seem to have such a hard time leaving it. They must know at some level its all a bunch of hooey because if the didn't, none of them would fear death, they would look forward to the end, and that's just not the case.
I would rather talk about more interesting things and hear what people like you have to say about far more interesting things.
I don't usually talk about God with a big G as it puts the abrahamic god as being more important than other gods, like Thor or Vishnu. I do like talking about religion in general, but I adopt a historical point of view, as I like to see what kind of "historical setting" led to the creation of what religion.
As long as I live I'll never get bored of about God be it executive or pedestrian level
At least not while I am destroying a theist at one's own game.
Maybe "trying to reform a theist" sounds better