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LINK Arizona state education standards see evolution deleted | Ars Technica

Multiple press reports have indicated that Superintendent Diane Douglas was responsible for the changes. She has certainly defended them. "Evolution is a theory in many ways," Douglas told reporters. "And that's what our children should understand, that while there are parts and pieces of it that are, we can I think agree, are proven science, there are other areas of it that are very theoretical, and if we're going to educate our children instead of just indoctrinate them to one way of thinking, we have to be able to allow them to explore all types of areas."

Lukian 8 May 28

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Well it is, after all, Arizona.


I am so blessed to live in an enlightened state like Alabama where the teaching of evolution is required:


Ha ha, those westerners are such red necks. 🙂


How long before an AZ high school diploma won't get you into an out of state college.


WTF?! ? I work with the depts of education in multiple states - horrified right now with AZ - especially a state that has such excellent colleges with strong science programs.

Add another black mark against AZ k-12 public education system after the strike a couple of weeks ago which ended only after teachers were arm-wrestled into finishing the school year.


Support striking teachers. Spread the word...






And religion is a science? Who is this woman who favours indoctrination?

Hopefully she'll be bitten by bedbugs who've evolved to become immune to modern pesticides.


I like that!


Diane Douglas is a fucking moron.
Evolution has been proven, repeatedly. It's no longer "just a theory".
WTF with wrong with these idiots?

I know you know this but Llke all x-tians she plays to the uneducated base:

Most people use the word 'theory' to mean an idea or hunch that someone has, but in science the word 'theory' refers to the way that we interpret facts
The University of California, Berkley, defines a theory as a broad, natural explanation for a wide range of phenomena. Theories are concise, coherent, systematic, predictive, and broadly applicable, often integrating and generalizing many hypotheses.

@Lukian I realize that "theory" is used in that manner. Unfortunately, the believers aren't educated enough to know that. They still falsely believe that "theory" means "unproved". And people wonder why I'm so pissed off about this bullshit so much of the time? WTF!!??
What aggravates me most is that I can't be everywhere to correct these false conceptions. Even if I had to do it with a 2x4. Which is what it would take with far too many of these asshats.


Teachers there are going on strike. Hope they win.

@KKGator that is why I don't use the word theory incorrectly. When I have a hunch, I use the word hypothesis and correct people that say you mean your theory. Then comes the explanation. (hard to hide a 2X4. LOL)

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