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Is there a specific city, state or country that you would recommend visiting? Why?

MyLiege 7 Dec 20

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There are several places in this country and Europe I would recommend, however, I would have to say Ireland. This past September I went to Dublin and Belfast and it was beautiful and I can't say enough about how friendly and helpful the people were all over Ireland. I will go again.


OK I am going to suggest Jerusalem, Israel because it relates to much of what we talk about on this site. Maybe the Red Sea which Moses waded across, Jericho where an earthquake made the walls tumble down. You can answer your own questions and explore your own theories.


Paphos Cyprus, I personally have never felt more at home somewhere, it's like England only with beautiful weather and wonderful people.

Dav87 Level 6 Dec 20, 2017

Italia, sardegna del nord. Sardegna is very rural and unspoiled. It’s honestly beautiful.

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