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LINK Study Finds Link Between Brain Damage and Religious Fundamentalism

The study further confirms that the prefrontal cortex is associated with religious beliefs and is the latest in a number of recent studies that look to find the neurological basis for religion. “The variation in the nature of religious beliefs are governed by specific brain areas in the anterior parts of the human brain and those brain areas are among the most recently evolved areas of the human brain,”

rsabbatini 7 May 29

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I've often wondered...
A while back I'd read that being battered or stalked could cause significant brain alterations.
Doesn't it stand to reason that the fearful, manipulative, ceaseless "religious control" of individuals can alter their brain?
In some cases making them incapable of looking at facts normally, seeing thru glasses tinted with "satan"?

 Shoot, NOW I wonder about humans who have had toxic people (particularly caretakers/parents) in their lives... Is there then something physical in their brains to make them less trusting, *maybe* less gullible?

Just some thoughts...


There is no doubt that the behavior of all fundamentalistic religious "true believers" is different from the normal and that indicates that something is impeding rational judgment. It is definitely abnormal and irrational behavior.

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