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Any recovering Mormons here?

I am... full disclosure and I belong to other groups of people who are/have freed themselves from the shackles of (extreme) religious dogma, but just curious to see if anyone here has as well. I grew up Mormon, served a mission in Arizona, always did the “right” things until one day I woke up and realized I was not happy and that the only reason I was still going to church was because I didn’t want to disappoint people. Well, that was the catalyst and after much research discovered it was all a lie, etc. Anyway, the freedom that comes from not knowing the answers is certainly a comfort to me. I am glad to be able to call myself agnostic now - as that’s what I am. Now I just quietly excuse myself to go play with the kids when family dinner conversations turn weird and Mormony.

BeckyC 4 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm a recovering moron.

(Sorry. I couldn't resist.)


Born and raised. Cannot say I regret it though because they have some great social structures that I have incorporated into my life and I was expected to study "scriptures" which led to my knowledge and ability to debate religious beliefs. I have zero respect for religion but most Mormons that chose the life are pretty decent (deceived) people.
Things I like are the Deseret Food Industry expects recipients to contribute to the program. They actually go to members homes to assess needs (Relief Society). Family is a priority. The youth groups actually do community service projects. No-one gets paid for any church position (not directly anyway) but the one way to Heaven and "only true church" as well as the temple crap is actually harmful not to mention that blacks are considered to be the sons of Cain...

Yes, I agree with all you said. My family are mostly still Mormon and they are lovely people. Some are still my very best friends. It’s the opposite of what I was told growing up... (the church is true, but the people aren’t always) the actual truth is - the church is utter bullshit, but Mormons themselves are some of the kindest people I know.

@BeckyC I could not agree more. My mother once asked me why I hate Mormons and I told her I don't hate Mormons I hate Mormonism.


No but I just moved to Utah, there are some hilarious FB groups for ex-mos. I smile or even laugh a bit almost every day in this group.


I wanted to be a Baptist preacher, Baptists are weird but not as nutty or controlling as LDS.


Yep, Melchizedek Priesthood, marriage sealed in the temple. My marriage lasted only 4 years. So glad I don't have to wear garments anymore, so glad I have all of my Sunday's free to do whatever I want, so glad to kiss family home evening good bye, oh, and the worst, home teaching. I was also the boy scout leader, and I do not miss sleeping in the snow one friggin bit. Oh, and the apple orchard! And the tithing audits! God am I glad to be out of there. I honestly can't think of one thing I miss.

Haha, Amen Brother Charms! So much is expected of Mormons... it’s to keep them busy so they don’t have time to look into the truth..,


Yup, though I consider myself a Recovered Mormon now, lol.

To be fair, it took me about 7 years Recovering to get to this point.

Never been happier!

Awesome! Yeah, I’m still recovering... they certainly do a number on people... ?


That's for sure. 😟

It's nice to "meet" another exmo. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again on here. (I'm really liking this site!)

If you want, I can send you a msg if I find one of the exmo groups on the site.

@Michael_D Cool


I'm a recovering Jehovah's Witness, I always thought Mormon culture was worlds apart from JW culture but I'm learning that there are many similar tactics shared between the two that, when viewed from the outside, appear as only minor differences. Like different lingo for instance, Mormons may use their own special term for something and we had a different term but it was referencing the same thing within the cultures. We didn't have the magic underwear though, thank goodness. But they're both high-control groups. I'm glad you made your way out.

zing Level 6 May 29, 2018

Yeah, the similarities are definitely there...

I was a JW too for about 15 years. It's so good not to be a slave to the endless, boring meetings and to be able to think for myself and read whatever I like.


Sorry about the mission! They didn't suck me in that far even though I felt vaguely guilty for a month.


I think there is an Ex-Mormon group. Congratulations on finding your way out.

I’ll check it out!

@BeckyC The trouble with the ex-groups is that they wallow in bitterness and hold you back from getting out into the fresh air and getting on with your life.

@brentan yes that can be hard.

@SCbeelady, @brentan Yes, after 6 years out I’ve observed that myself. But sometimes it’s cathartic to talk to people who’ve been there.

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