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Why are people stuck in relationships that are basically roommate's you pay bills with?

Why do people stay in relationships if there is no affection or sex life whatsoever? I personally know multiple married couples that are in this is seriously alarming and kinda makes one lose hope of finding that special someone..

  • 10 votes
  • 66 votes
Ravenwolfcasey 7 May 29

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I'd love this arrangement. I make good money but will never be able to buy a house alone. I want dogs and cats and no kids and a house I can pay to live in. If I had a partner we could take better care of them.

I'd love a friendly sexless relationship with a gjrl where we lived together. Movie nights, game nights, but nothing serious and no expectations aside from getting some dogs, cats, a house, and potentially movie night.

So welp.


Never live with anyone you’re not intending to marry! The golden rule (especially for men this one).

KenG Level 6 May 30, 2018

I refuse to ever get married again, and the I’ve been with the woman I live with now longer than I had been married, and the relationship is better. Marriage is a financial death trap should it ever come to divorce, as well as an antiquated and pointless tradition. A ring a piece of paper don’t make you love someone more and doesn’t magically produce a stronger relationship

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