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LINK Rep. Diane Black of Tennessee says pornography is a ‘root cause’ of school shootings - The Washington Post

Another (Republican) wannabe blaming YET something else besides the need for better gun-control on school shootings! This time it's porn (along with some of her other pet issues, namely "deterioration in the family" and, of course, violence in the movies.) My friends in TN are working overtime to try to block this person from getting elected as Gov. She's just a whole brand of whack, all in her own special TN package!

BookDeath 8 May 30

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It is more of what trump has brought along, each and every moron thinks, that because of trump that they can just spout out their dumb and stupid theories and the same dumb ass base that trump has strung along, will follow behind !!!!


As someone who has made his living adjacent to the entertainment industry, it just kills me that these idiots don't value their 1st Amendment as much as their 2nd Amendment.

Ozman Level 7 June 2, 2018

There's only one straightforward and frank way to describe people like her.......MORONS!


This is how ideologues work:

Take something bad = A
Take something unrelated that I don't like = B
Say B is the cause of A.

It can work on the left too.


I think she's wrong. But I am against toxic porn. It's riddled with misogyny.

I read reviews of 'Pornland' by Gail Dines and was shocked and angered.


They will blame anything but the guns. As a person we have a whole bunch of them like her. Palin , the witch believer, and a whole host of other wacko's. The whole republican party is nuts.


Right-wingers have some terrible ideas. Our whole political system is trash in the US.


What sheer, fraudulent lunacy. In my mind, there is NO connection. She is lying and knows it, but thinks it will earn her some votes from evangelicals.


She has dinged her bat too many times.


We had a school shooting here in the uk once so you know what we did we said never again and got rid of the guns and it hasn't happened since


The US is assbackwards on sex and violence.

We freak at the mere mention of words like penis, boob...heck I've read over 20% of married couples never talk about orgasms!

Almost all children will grow up to have sex one day, but we think seeing a boob will eternally scar them (although too much detailed information for young kids can be bad). Yet we don't care if children watch gun fights and people dying on network TV. No, that's not blaming TV for shooters either, just demonstrating the US is weird on sex and violence.


Oh FFS!!
I'm so sick of these people.


She sounds like some vocal crazies in Utah that passed a law saying porn is a health crisis.

Methinks all the teen suicides in Utah may be due to an oppressive religion and not porn...

I think the people of Utah should focus on the heroin epidemic in Salt Lake City first.

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