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Too many public schools are very poor. Low standards, wastes of time, too much review, lack of materials, too slow progress, no homework, little reading, teachers lacking expertise and content knowledge all rob our kids of a bright future. America is being dumbed down. Our kids will pay the price. Pity the children.

Gary4234 5 Dec 21

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Are you aware the purpose of the homework is 1) To reinforce THE knowledge the government wants the kids to "remember and 2) to keep the kids out of the streets?
What the government doesn't know...but the teachers are very much that most kids BUY the homework from their classmates....some even photocopy their friends' work?
Later I will talk about the rest...


it is your funding structure that makes the schools so multi tiered . pay tour teachers well and you'll attract even better teachers. here in toronto we spend WAY too much on capital expenditures [ buildings etc.] but at least we look after the teachers to a certain degree.


Regional problem? Local school boards bleeding school budgets? Parents/grandparents need to get involved more. Reaction to anti-education action.


You haven't seen nothing yet. It's going to get a lot worse now.


It’s long appeared to me that the same political party that’s currently starving our social services had targeted public schools. Back when we ‘fought communism,’ they reluctantly supported an education system that could match that of the soviet union. No longer a need for that - and along comes ‘no child left a dime.’

Religious/ Republicans want to either kill public education, returning to the ‘proper days’ when only those who could afford an education received one -- or, turn the schools into propaganda chambers preaching religion and their nationalist agenda. They’ve now created a hostile working environment for any educator promoting true science or questioning religious oppression. Along with constant testing - a strategy to pit schools (actually communities) against each other with the aim of discrediting, thus defunding public education.

Varn Level 8 Dec 21, 2017

I'd put blame on both party's. Democrats aren't doing anything but talk. I don't think it was communism we were fighting. We were fighting against their attempt to build a better middle class and working class. Again, you can blame the democrats for not putting up a fight for Trumps Education Secretary nomination. Along with advocacy groups, teachers unions, and the MSM for not protesting and getting the truths out towards the agenda these people were known to work towards. We have no real representation from any resources we fund today to put a fire under our national politicians to govern for the people. We don't pay them enough like the private lobbyist do.

Democrats are/ were willing to negotiate, Republicans aren’t. The US was ‘fighting’ the Russians in social wars around the world, attempting to convince ‘developing nations’ that Democracy was superior to Communism. With that, the US could not neglect education, or poverty. With Communism discredited, the US is free to neglect both.

You cannot ‘blame the Democrats’ for this Adminstations Sec. Of ED. Republicans dominate the US Senate - and they play dirty! So why does ‘getting the word out’ about the atrocious administrative department appointments become the responsibility of the ‘party out of power?’ …nor is it the responsibility of trade organizations or advocacy groups -- they certainly did NOT advocate for the election of a Republican Congress or President!

Yes, our representation is about -0- The USA shot itself in the head. Will they vote Republican again … we’ve a little less than a year to find out ~

@Varn Democrats are/ were willing to negotiate, Republicans aren’t.

Negotiations are a one way street. I would argue we get a two way street from these party's, each calling the same foul when the tables are turned. You're buying into the partisanship divide they've created to help them keep it going. Reasoning, both party's are working for the same donor class. With your own admittance of 0 representation, you have to have some degree of understanding that. It really doesn't matter if they vote republican again, but most will. What matters is that this show will continue. I call our representation the establishment. Their donor class the deep state. The show is called managed perception. Those still supporting either side are stuck in their illusion.

The US was ‘fighting’ the Russians in social wars around the world, attempting to convince ‘developing nations’ that Democracy was superior to Communism.

Yea, I don't know where you're trying to go with that. Social wars? Democracy being superior to Communism? First off, the Russian Revolution was about workers and lower class citizens taking their country in an attempt to build a stronger middle class and the over throw of a tyrant. Short lived while in the throws of WWI in which they didn't want a part of. Along with 14 westernized country's interference, out of fear if they succeeded it would upset their stage of monopoly of false democracy's. Which lead Russia right back to being another corporate militarized country. In which again gave way to the westernized world to continue to demonize it as a communist country, in order to produce an enemy to the world. As far as Russia goes, it never had a real chance to become a truly socialistic country. And today you see the same thing being perpetrated on Venezuela. The truth is that the power struggle being produced, then and now, is over resources and control. And always will be in this stage of primitive leadership we are trapped in.

You cannot ‘blame the Democrats’ for this Adminstations Sec. Of ED.

Yes I can. And I believe I did, above. While blaming both party's. I'll provide a link to an article below you might find of interest on how many like myself really see what's going on in DC. Along with a link or two on the Russian revolution to stimulate your knowledge.

I didn't mention trade organizations. Advocacy groups have a quite powerful influence on government when they want to. And combined with media they can go a long way for the people. Which you left out the media?







Not really the one I wanted to share with you. But I couldn't find it. It must be on another site I follow. But this one is also fairly good on the history.

@William_Mary Both party’s seek money from a similar doner class, with most donors ‘hedging their bet’ by giving some to each, generally far less to the Democrats. And if Dem’s didn’t seek such funds, it would be game-over before it began. I know a few..

We now have -0- representation if we are freethinking progressives. If we are regressive religious-republicans (we think) we’re in Fat City!

No illusion to me, the difference between the governing of Barack Obama and Donald Trump is like day & night… Congress flips, too. This may appear as a conspiracy set in stone - but it’s still a democracy. The question is, will it be used? If US voter turnout had been 98% instead of 68% I doubt we’d be in this mess. Voter suppression works - and you’re helping.

I’m “trying to go with that?” WTF is that supposed to mean ...that you didn’t understand the premous..? -- With regard to Russia, I’m referring to the ‘Soviet Union’ of the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s that was competing with the US; I didn’t just deliver newspapers, I read them.. That’s when & why we funded education then, ‘missile gap,’ promotion of capitalism…

Tell me, how were the outnumbered Democrats in the US Senate supposed to stop trump's appointments? Filibuster? -- and yes, ‘you’re blaming both parties.’ Which, in your mind alleviates your responsibility to promote either? As in, ‘the entire system is corrupt and there’s nothing anyone can do about it?’

I’ve met many like you, first they come off as political experts, then they cry corruption, then scurry down numerous rabbit holes, then bitch endlessly… Honestly, they’re the worst.. I’d prefer a hot-to-trout far-wrong republican whose a passionate organizer -- over a gloom & doom no-nothing repeating the voter suppression tactic of … ‘it’s no use,’ ‘the system’s rigged,’ ‘there’s nothing you can do,’ ‘they’re all corrupt,’ ‘I didn’t vote for either’...

Your president ..and I use that term loosely.. has purposely started firestorms of controversy to feed his deplorables and cause every advisory group to expend their resources fighting them. The Media has become my heros; real news, not that entertainment network.

The links sent me to unrelated sites, we’d begun here on the condition of US public education, I’d rather not digress further.


My grandkids are all being homeschooled.
At first I wasn't too supportive, but in a lot of ways there are advantages.


Thank Republican state governors, bureaucrats and legislators for that. In recent years they have decimated public education. As a retired educational leader, I can state with absolute certainty that the 1970s and 1980s were a time in which a major emphasis on improving teaching, learning, and school leadership was making a difference. But Republican politicians have destroyed that movement. The question is why? I genuinely think that they do not want a population truly capable of critical thinking.

I'd put blame on both party's. Democrats aren't doing anything but talk. And you can blame the democrats for not putting up a fight for Trumps Education Secretary nomination. Along with advocacy groups, teachers unions, and the MSM for not protesting and getting the truths out towards the agenda these people were known to work towards. We have no real representation from any resources we fund today to put a fire under our national politicians to govern for the people. We don't pay them enough like the private lobbyist do.

William_Mary: It was not the Democrats in states like Kansas and Wisconsin that slashed educational funding, eliminated school improvement programs and their funding, totally eliminated iinservice training for teachers to improve their instruction based on research on effective teaching, stopped funding innovation programs , etc. etc. Such Republicans have set their states back 49 years in every sense and they don't give a damn, so long as they can berage that they have cut taxes and programs..


I hate AmeriKKKa.



Many teachers feel restricted too. Teaching to a test limits them from building creative curriculums and progressive teaching gets smothered by teaching doctirine that was old decades ago. Look at Norway there's hardly any homework and less time spent in class but they're killing it on national averages.


Oh oh... we got a teacher on this forum that might just say something about your statement... just letting you know.

That's ok. I may have something to say about the way our children are being schooled.

@MsOliver Yea!

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