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What are your sociopolitical interests? Are you an activist?

MusicArt 3 Dec 21

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i help animals


I do, I am a social activist, I lobby the government advocating for the rights of landowners, farmers, healthcare and the environment. I have run for political office to push these issues forward. I have taken part in protests, marches and direct actions, but, mostly I choose to yank on the ear of political officials and go to the press when they fail to act.
I am not sure I could survive the shame of failing to act in the face of wrong. Democracy is a participatory system and freedom is never defended by silence.


Justice, peace, equality, clean water, air, and soil, community, human and animal rights, environmentalism, free healthcare and education, affordable housing, universal basic income. I guess those are a few of my interests. I'm not an activist: I do go to marches, I sign petitions, and make phone calls. But I'm really not active with any group of people. Having said that: we MUST all become active. Being passive got us to where we are.Alas, It's not a good place.


I would like to be, but I’m a math teacher. Being a counselor you should appreciate the amount of time I have. I’m also a single dad. I do actively vote.

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