If you could ask "god" just 2 questions, what would they be ?
Who made you?
Do you believe in your own gods or are you an atheist like me?
#1-why did you allow 6 million of you’re chosen children to be murdered in Germany’s death camps.
#2-why aren’t you morally relative?
How can you ask anything of something that does not exist?
Why ask anything, just to get BS red herring answers? Anyone who's seen darkmatter2525's videos on youtube knows what I'm talking about. Seriously, nothing about the religion makes any sense, so the ONLY viable answers to any of these questions that god could give are either: 1. The stumbling bumbling non-answers that darkmatter's Yahweh character gives to Jeffrey's inquiries, or 2. "I'm simply an evil sadist so that's why I set up both life on earth AND hell in the cruelest, most horrific way imaginable". Either way, he's either stupider than trump/gump, or more evil than Stalin.... or both. So no - I would ask nothing and simply try to immediately kill him.
If you are all powerful, how could you allow this, your world to become such a mess?
Why did you set up Adam and Eve then punish them for what you predetermined they’d do?
Why did you create Hell when you knew future people, regardless of the Jesus/you sacrifice, that they’d be going there?
There are no sins, just consequences. If you want to fuck another man's wife, guess what you're going to get fucked. You are all responsible for your own. You want to follow an idiot, you get to see stupid things being done... Tax fucking cut for the Rich. smh... stupid people.
Duh... I don't have a body... already out of existence.
What is the algebraic formula for the cube root of a quaternion?
What is the algebraic formula for the fifth root of a complex number?
(Square root of both are easy-peasy - as are cube roots of a complex.)
The journey is the real reward. Not just getting the answer. Really, it is 13.
why do you allow/cause all the death and suffering? Why didnt you help me when I was calling on you for help as a child when I was being abused?
The answer to your second is 42.
If as a deity you're omniscient and all powerful, for what shits and giggles reason/s did you create this obviously flawed world/existence? Numero dos: Did Jesus know he would be resurrected? Tres: per #2, then what boots it then that he s'posedly "died" for anyone? Huh Mr. Smarty Pants?
Why only two questions? Are you running short of omniscient, omnipresent omnipotence?
Do you exist?
In which there would be no response.
So, second question...
My ass itches, would you please scratch it...
Again... no response... but still have itchy ass... lol
If you are all powerful can you make an object that you cannot move?
And why 42?