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LINK He’s pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He’s also running for Congress from his parents’ house. - The Washington Post

This guy REALLY does espouse these this views. He's run two diff websites (both removed now), one for pedophiles, the other for incels, a group of which he consider himself to be a "hardcore member". (No surprise there, buddy. I were a woman, I would join your ex-wife in taking out a restraining order against you. Just on general principles.) And I'm most sorry to report this is happening in my beloved state of VA! We are known for having better sense than to to vote for idiots-okay, yeah he IS running in Comstock's district, granted-so I'm sure the incel/pedo/rapist vote (ick, ick, ick) won't be enough to actually elect this sick F.

BookDeath 8 June 2

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