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What are you doing this Christmas Eve?

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Maya405 7 Dec 22

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I’ll take my daughter to her aunts place for dinner, come home and place presents under the tree and sleep.


I live in a rural area so there are not a lot of neighbors. However, one has an annual gathering for the neighbors and some 30 - 40 people show up. There is not a single one that is religious.

The next evening there is another annual vegan fest, again with like minded (atheist) people. In this community there is no shortage of celebrations.

You had me at vegan. Sounds like a fun time. All the better for being rural.

Have to say I'm a bit jealous.

@Hope4Zoe The couple that host the event are vegans and do some amazing things with food. At Thanksgiving they made a Pumpkin-cheesecake that was totally vegan and delicious.


I will be remodeling my kitchen. Removing sink, widening space around sink and fridge. Then tiling countertop (ack. I just watched a video called towel & error). During all of this i need to strip and sand the cabinets, and apply general finishes gel stain and sealer. Grout the tile, seal the grout, (reinstall the sink including disposal. Ack.) Reinstall doors to cabinets. I'm skerred. It took me all Xmas break 2015 to do my master bath. This seems much bigger. I'm scared.

... and I'm impressed! 🙂

@Varn don't be impressed yet. This could turn out pretty bad. Lol. I already messed cutting up the counter once. ????????

Wow, me too. Don't forget to wear a mask.

that's several days work

The Countertops are installed. This sink is reinstalled. The second coat of stain is going on tomorrow. the doors will be staying off through next weekend it seems as this is a really slow drying stain.

New sink and corner tilework.

More counter

actually old sink lol.... (DIYing is half reusing what i can) with new Faucet. The fact that garbage disposal is back on is my pride point today. Lemme just say that for a not heavy thing, it's pretty heavy given he workspace you have.


Cleaning cages and walking dogs at a local all-volunteer no-kill animal shelter.

I would say "Bless you"... but you already are. (As are the pups-)


Vegan potluck with good friends and an evening of music and games.


Cook some dinner for my wife and daughter,bottle of nice champage,watch a stupid movie under our way too big real pine Christmas tree that my wife cons me into buying every we can sit and watch it die over three weeks.

Ah the traditions of Christmas.


I'll get through it.


I will stay at home and read book. I have some topics to write.


I enjoy Christmas Eve with my relatives. However, "having a ball" is a bit of a stretch so couldn't check that one. Also, my brother in law likes micro brews so there is a good chance I will be as lit as the Christmas Tree

Didn't mean to post twice. Not sure what happened there


avoiding Christmas


My girlfriend and I will be watching the Cowboy game in the bar of our favorite steakhouse while dining and drinking.


Not much.. watching movies, baking some goods.. doing some craft stuff I put aside until days like this when I get time. Taking it easy, having a glass of wine and chillin.

Who gets the baked goods?
I also cook but this time of year and this community it usually becomes a part of a potluck.

My daughter but she's a fussy eater so I sometimes bring things over to my friends when we gather and shoot pool and just hang out. Otherwise, just me. 😟


I'm sure I'll be spending it at home with my two sons. We do celebrate Christmas (although, I haven't done the decorating with lights and crap for a while) but, with no religious meaning. I take advantage of the time off of work to be with my boys. They're both adults. I'll cook dinner for all of us then, we'll have a few drinks. Probably spend some time playing guitar and singing together.

Duke Level 8 Dec 22, 2017

I am having dinner with friends on Christmas Eve. Christmas day was a hike and a picnic.


Sleep for work on christmas. Hate that 0430 alarm


Just the kids and I doing our usual traditions: home made mac and cheese, a country drive'at night to enjoy the lights, then all watch the movie "A Christmas Story" together.

Zster Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

I'll be watching Gremlins, Scrooged, and Die Hard. In that order.

It's a Newtonmas Eve tradition.


I will be visiting people in the local extended care then coming home for a quiet evening at home, from that point things get crazy until into the New Year.


Thank you. And it's all true. Maybe the nurses were't all nuns.....

Gary Level 4 Dec 22, 2017

Probably going to be playing Cards Against Humanity with the fam, after the little ones have gone to bed. Might also be partaking of some eggnog and bourbon. Or maybe just the bourbon.


Mostly just another day, except calling my mom.

You're a good son 🙂


I will probably still be trying to finish the rainbow tutus I'm making for my two grandgirls! Tulle is a bitch to work with.

Good luck.


I'll be getting ready for my Christmas day birthday. Yes, that's right an ex Jewish, atheistic woodworker born on Christmas day in a catholic hospital where the nurses were nuns. The nuns were apoplectic with joy, I'm told, as I was born at 11:45 PM, and no other baby had yet to appear on that particular Christmas day!

Gary Level 4 Dec 22, 2017

Wow! what a history.
Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday!


Probably a hike during the day - then a peaceful evening with cats !

This sounds like a good plan.


Hopefully, christmas eve, I'll spend the full 24 hours living.

If I don't manage it, I guess I'll know for CERTAIN what I'll be doing christmas day.


I'll be playing cards with my parents, my sister, and her bf.

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