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Does it make anybody else nervous that the earth wobbles as it rotates on its axis?

Chrisbiologist 6 Dec 22

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Yes,i have the rare affliction know as the wobbling earth phobia , and must take anti wobbling medication.


That's because our Earth wobbles just like a spinning top does except over a much longer period (26,000 years as mentioned by Hominid below) and there are other minor movements as well too complex to even describe simply.


Not even remotely, as there are plenty of more immediate issues to worry about - IF you want to.


If things like that make you worry, may I suggest reading a copy of Mad's Worry Book? It's full of lots of things that are real and possibly worth worrying about.



Nope. It always has wobbled. The earth was a lot more unstable earlier in its history. Originally the moon was a lot closer and the earth's rotation was much faster, dogn complete rotations in about 8 hours. As the moon slowly moved further away (it is still gradually moving further away), the earth's rotation clowed, much like how when you see a dancer or iceskater, when they pull in tight they spin quickly, but when they extend out they slow down.

Eventually, the moon would break orbit from the earth, except before that happens the sun will expand to a point that encompasses teh earth's orbit. This is millions of years in the future, so nothing to worry about now.

Anyway, at present, the earth is actually pretty stable.


Back in the day when I was a Honky Tonk Man (alcoholic) I could have used this to formulate some kind of an excuse for why I wobbled, to use on those policemen who had the unreasonable opinion that I was drunk.


No, I can't say that it does. What makes me nervous is what humans are doing to the earth and its inhabitants.


The Aliens made the axles out of a metal especially developed for planetary spin. That's why we get sightings so often. They're here for preemptive maintenance services. Now if we can just get them to replace the ice at the poles while they're there.


Not yet. If it changes much I might begin to be a bit concerned.


I think I'd actually be more concerned at this point if it suddenly stopped wobbling.

Duke Level 8 Dec 22, 2017

Given the scale of our world relative to us - it's rather large - we can't feel the rotation or the wobble. So no. I'm not worried in the slightest.


Since it’s been doing so all of my life, not at all.


Ancient civilizations figured it out and created astronomical (astrological?) timetables that recognized a 26,000 year cycle that is based on this wobble. Amazing how their scientific powers of observation were so accurate.

Except the Astrologers. Back about 30 years ago they realised that their charts were out by almost 30 deg. This being caused by the 'Procession of the Equinoxes" (The 26.000 year cycle you mentioned) However , instead of adjusting their charts the full 30 deg they moved them 15 deg in the hope no one noticed. So instead of say March being moved from Pisces to Aquarius they moved these 'signs' half a month so that now Aquarius beings on March the 15th or thereabouts.


Some people can't help but worry and try to recruit more asking a worrying question. I AM SO INMUNE!!!!! the point of being annoying.


we're also hurtling around the sun at 30km per second. Gravity has kept everybody on board so far, I don't think anyone's going to get flung off just yet so try not to worry.

Dav87 Level 6 Dec 22, 2017

Should it? Unless I can one day transcend space and time and gain an eternal existence in the process , I'll be awaiting the sweet release of death... though I do find that which I do have awe-inspiring.


How does it go? _Weebles___wobble but they don't fall.down. LOL Someone was laughing when they wrote that jingle.

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