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The only meat I have eaten in 70 years that I know about is a goat that I looked after as one of my jobs whan living in a commune - It was the most awful creature ever and when it got butchered on out kitchen farmhouse table and was put in freezer bags I decided I would eat my enemy.
I havent eaten dairy - allergic to wheat and milk

@PhitDoctor50 I didnt eat the whole goat just a little bit and given it was the first meat I had ever eaten I thought it wasnt too bad. You could 'laugh out loud' or 'lots of love' for goat it was fifty years ago.


"Reducing meat and dairy" is the better headline, but otherwise it's exactly correct concerning the unavoidable consequences of continuing to sacrifice so much arable land to growing meat and dairy stock, a situation that is only becoming exponentially worse as the populations of China and developing countries begin to assert their assumed right to consume more and more meat.

Not all "arable land" is suitable for growing crops. A rocky hillside is hell to plant and harvest, but animals can eat the "weeds" growing there and turn it into biomass people can eat.

Getting back to the root problem: too bloody many humans.

@TaraMarshall Arable land refers exclusively to land on which crops can be grown - rocky hillsides don't qualify. It's also worth noting that those animals which can survive in such challenging conditions, sheep and goats, provide very little to the global consumption of either meat (which is primary beef, although newly-wealthy Chinese consumers also eat pork) or dairy.

But I don't argue that the basic problem is way too many humans.

@moNOtheist, one of the reasons I eat lamb. But there are also several projects to restore the plains environment that are supported by selling high-quality bison meat.


Having fewer children is actually the biggest way to reduce your environmental impact. I have no children, so I'm doing well there.

As for Veganism, I work with children with language delays and/or developmental disabilities. After Autism, my largest growing sub-group of new clients are children with Secondary L-carnitine Deficiency. They had Vegan birth mothers, and they have delays in cognitive skills and language because they didn't get essential nutrients while developing. L-carnitine gets its name because the bioavailable forms are found in animal flesh and animal products.

I have multiple food allergies and Celiac Disease. Veganism simply isn't practical for me, and due to a mitochondrial dysfunction and MTHFR mutation, could be fatal. I need to supplement more L-carnitine and B vitamins even eating meat and dairy.


Actually, have fewer-or no-children.


Only that's not the way nature created us.


Well, I have the meat part down!! ???


I avoid both. Not all of us are ominvores or carnivores.


We're omnivores. We could certainly reduce meat consumption, if it will help the Earth but I don't know about going vegan. Veganism is a privilege that I think vegans tend to be unaware they possess. Most people in the world don't get to create their own highly specialized diet.


5 years from now we will be eating bio-printed meat.

Actually it is available now isn't it?

@patchoullijulie we have been bio-printing skin for years. I think there is bio-printed meat, too, but not ready/approved for distribution or consumption. I'm sure the meat industry will try their best to stop it.


Nope, not giving up meat and dairy, sorry. Go to the meat and dairy producers about that issue.


I'm guilty.


I'm still trying to understand the real implications of this but it's a disturbing set of information.


Humans and Big Ag Livestock Now Account for 96 Percent of Mammal Biomass


It's also a good way to piss Big Pharma off, stay healthier and protect against cancer.


I am all for pissing off the big Pharma. They have a lot to answer for.


Ha ha! Me too.


Reducing human population and greed is the only way


Vegan as well. But if I must confess, it's more about eating healthy than saving the environment. I do appreciate it though.


Ok, I am thinking out loud here..... I just wonder, what about the people making a living milking cows and growing cattle? Don't they have to provide for their families as well?

Dairy farmers and their families know more than anyone else how cruel their industry is. Virtually every male calf in the Dairy Industry is considered to be a waste product. This is why they are taken from their mothers soon after birth to stop them drinking their mothers milk. This cause deep distress for the calf and tremendous grief for the mother in exactly the same way it would for a human mother. Worse in fact because there is not the support mechanism that humans have. As a side note, just in case you did not already know it, humans are a species of animal so why would the grief of a cow etc. be any different?! The male calf is often killed immediately, partly because eating veal is not considered politically correct nowadays. Please Google the terrible cries a mother cow makes when she has her baby taken from her. But I must warn you that it may haunt you for the rest of your days.

"but I must warn you that it may HAUNT you for the rest of your days"...... How have shown your true colors now. If anything I regret that I fell for this one. I doubt you ever have stepped into a farm or anything like that. It all boils down to a simple you don't even know what you're talking about. Either you are a young kid who think is fight to save the world (In that case, fair enough, you'll learn someday) or you're just a troll...

If people don't eat meat, they'll eat something else instead, so jobs will also be created. After all, we don't have tanners, ostlers, footmen, coopers, hatters, weavers, millers etc, any more. They probably moaned like crazy about being made redundant and became estate agents and telephone engineers or started a boy band instead.

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