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How to explain the Adam and Eve story?

So I get that according to scripture, Adam and Eve had two sons. The bible then reveals that both of these sons eventually got married to women. My question: Where did this two women come from? Inbreeding causes genetic mutations so that theory is out. Doesn't ever really explain that bit....

Irreversible 3 Dec 22

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GENESIS...1:26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
• Now, who is this "us" he is talking about and to?
• Did it take a slew of gods to make things? Were they the “us”?
• God looks like a man?
• Does he have a penis? Is it a big one?
• Why did God only have one son when he could have as many as he wants? • Wait – wasn’t adam his son then? Oh no, he hadn’t named him yet.
• Hmmmm mankind is:
• man·kind noun / noun: mankind
• 1. human beings considered collectively; the human race.
• Wait – wasn’t adam his son then? Oh no, he hadn’t named him yet.
1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
• So he created them. BOTH of them. In his image.
• Did he have a penis or a vagina?
• Boobs or not? What about that rib I heard so much about?!?!?!
• So Adam didn’t come first it says he made then BOTH!
1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
• We are the champions my friend..Procreate, conquer, subdue, RULE!!



Well, they didn't have very good apples back then, so it caused people to be very naive and believe anything they heard. Then Scientists and botanists got smart and made those good breed apples and people evolved to become agnostic.


I think people pick and choose what verses they want to beleive. Perhaps its just the preacher, or maybe they overlool minor things and focus more on what they believe is sinful, acording to the Bible. I think its just a creation story that has been taken verbatim, sadly.


Just start it off with "Once upon a time" . . . .


Simply point out the inconsistency. Create doubt and leave the religious person to deal with it.


You can’t apply logic to fairy tales.


The story doesn't add up or make any sense. The whole book doesn't make sense. It contradicts itself.



The only thing I could gather is Adam and Eve were actually sister and brother. If rib was taken from man to create Eve, they technically had the same DNA. It’s just a myth, though. I look at the Bible as nothing more but a fictional book that should be used as entertainment with different stories with an asshole God to top it off with the main villain.

According to the Forgotten Books, Cain and Able each had a twin sister. They married each other's twin.


Make sure they know it's a fantasy story. Then explain that adam and eve are mud golems.


It has to be looked at as a wonderful piece of ancient Jewish story telling or myth. To try and reason it all out is to miss the point I think. Incidentally , there are actually two creation stories in Genesis. The second one which starts off straight after the first was probably the oldest.

Please spare from having to read Genesis. Two stories? Where does the first one end and the second begin?

Hi Bingst. The first creation story starts at Gen 1 verse 1 through to Gen 2 verse 3. The second creation story starts at Gen 2 verse 4 and ends at Gen 3 verse 24. For more details type in "Genesis creation narrative Wikipedia."

Oh, I thought you meant two stories about the creation of Adam and Eve.


They came from the land of Nod. Now, explain to me how humans inhabited that place without being offspring of Adam/Eve.

Also, if you read Genesis it states that the "sons of God" mated with the "daughters of man". My sister insists that all are of Adam/Eve, however if they were why did the Bible specify each group?

Sounds interesting. I'll have to get a copy.


It's a fairy tale so what is the point of the question?


Check out the Forgotten Books []

You'll get your answer but it's a doozy.

Betty Level 8 Dec 22, 2017

There's no need to "explain" it. It didn't happen. No one needs to explain fiction.


I feel no need to explain the Adam and Eve story.


When you start with nonsense it doesn't matter how much more nonsense you add to it as it is all nonsense.


The more fundamental question is how anyone can read Genesis WITHOUT realising that the story is so full of holes that your average three-year-old would laugh at it.


When I was a theist I explained this away by saying they were more people that God created. Just because the Bible says that Adam and Eve were first doesn't mean that they were the only ones that God created whole cloth. Of course, that's all bullshit. It's just an example of the backflip your brain will do to maintain cognitive dissonance.


Hopefully we didn't have incest in the "first family"

Thank u for the article @SKDeitch.. Bottleneck is new tome. When I wrote about incest in first family I was thinking of tRUMP.


I won't explain it. Myself I prefer Lilith, she was there first. She is the One with the Naughty Reputation.

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