I never hated Christmas at all. This to me has always been a magical time for me. Whether I was working or traveling, or just staying home.
Hmm I love Christmas. It’s just another holiday for me to spend time with family and friends and to take a break from mundane life.
I don't hate christmas. I dislike crowds, I dislike the limited repetitive music of the season. I dislike the cold but that will still be around after the holiday. I dislike the crass commercialism. I dislike the prolonged discussion over Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays. I dislike the insistence everyone should be happy. This is a tough season for many people. I dislike the hypocrisy of people "getting religion" for the season and then getting over it after the holiday is gone. I like the getting together with family for an incredible meal, and the gift exchange is nice. And this year is my precious grandbaby's first birthday, so what is not to like.
I don't think I could sum this up any better than you have done...
I don't think anyone here really "hates" Christmas. It's the holiday season, Solstice, time off for family and friends with great food, song, and a really good time. What's not to like, it's a wonderful time of the year plus the daylight will slowly get longer. Happy times, Happy Holiday and Happy Solstice.
I love this pagan celebration of the winter solstice.
I don't hate Christmas...just hate the way people act nowadays. Go to Walmart this time of year...people are actually fighting over electronics and parking spaces...unbelievably sad.
Friends don't let friends go to Walmart
I got nothing against it. Makes people happy so why should I?
Don't generalize me.
I don't hate Christmas for the most part. I'm not into the religious aspect of it. Also I don't like how it has become a capitalistic free for all. Everyone maxing out their credit cards to get gifts and stuff they can't afford. I think the celebration should be more nature related as it is the winter solstice. It should be a good time to hang out with family and friends without expectations of lavish gifts.
I don't. As a cultural Christian, I find warm fuzzies in it. But I associate it mainly with Winter Solstice and problems of Roman dating.
I don't hate christmas, I can take it or leave it. I have nothing to celebrate on December 25th, so why should I partake in the hoopla? And the festivities for what...some kid being born to a mother who was knocked up by god. I see it as stores, etc. being packed before the big day with people getting presents/gifts. But what is so special about the 25th? I give gifts for a person's birthday or graduation. That's something that relates to the person. I'm more apt to celebrate the winter solstice. You want to get gifts at a great price, here's my take..go shopping on December 26th.
I have ambivalent feelings about Christmas .It brings out the greed in people .Its to much about the buying and receiving of gifts . My wife and I never exchange gifts . I dislike the crowds In the stores . I do enjoy the Christmas lights and going to Rockefeller Center in Manhattan to see the tree and ice skating rink .When I was a child I really enjoyed Christmas not so much now.
Who can hate Christmas, especially now that our Twitter-in chief has stopped the war on Christmas! <eyeroll>
To me xmas and this time of year are all about family, friends, and showing people I think of them all year long (yes, presents and good food).
I celebrate Solstice.
I have noticed, while many members are quick to point out that Christmas is a collage of many beliefs and traditions, they also like to put down people who do celebrate the season. Mind, I did not say all members.
well, i don't hate Christmas. But I do think that the values that people attach to it are stupid. where the holiday is supposed to be about giving, family time, and general happiness, people seem to focus on HOW MUCH they give, not the act itself. They want to waste money they do not have, hang out with family and friends they don't like, just for the sake of "spending christmas together", and put themselves through undo stress for the sake of a "holiday." My mother gets stressed baking cookies, yet insists on baking up a storm, to the point of exhaustion, and even insists on buying so many supplies for it unnecessarily, and then the rest of the month is spent with less money, and less food, and less emotional stability, for the sake of a single day, where presents (spent all night being wrapped) are done being opened in an instant; and "family time" is spent fighting. I like christmas, but with my family? it's a worthless holiday.
there is no such thing as magic. I'm not religious, I hate the decorations coming down so hate them going up. I hate the greed and the people are all drawn like a swarm complying to this event and just getting in huge debt no matter what. I don't like all the trees cut down just to be thrown away. I don't really like most of the food and I hate the fact that everyone is fake happy and giving once a year. the years are like groundhog years with the same old crap. I don't drink or smoke and I like to be more real and spontaneous.