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As a child and teenager I vividly remember angry, emotionally charged moments. When I see something today that reminds me of those times I am instantly transported back to those moments. So it is with the messages from the GOP spin machine. They are getting through to their followers because they deliver these messages of anger and hatred loudly and emotionally. Whether right or wrong a message delivered in that fashion will stay with the listener.

To a person the conservative pundits, candidates and spokes persons deliver their message with a great deal of anger and emotion. It may be a negative message but it is remembered. What goes through your mind when a person you care about delivers a message in that way? On one hand you want to rebel, on the other you think about the consequences of going against what that emotionally moment charged represents. There are a lot more people out there like an obedient child than there are those who respond primarily to reason. This is the message the democrats just don’t get.

That emotional and obedient child does not respond to reason, they respond to emotion, right or wrong. Democrats in positions of leadership need to learn these lessons. They need to be very vocal and emotional with this message. If democrats don’t learn this; we will have more of the same for the next twelve years. What I mean to say is the republicans will again win both houses, the white house and be able to appoint more conservative activist justices to the Supreme Court. In other words, we will be fucked for a very long time.

We need more voices Elizabeth Warren fighting for liberty and justice for the middle class. We need a chairperson of the DNC who is loudly vocal and charismatic.

realdancermn 5 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I have ptsd, so any angry rant throws me for a loop.


This is a quick cartoon that explains why the rich are always being elected to congress/senate. It's no longer a republican/democrat debate. It's a have/ have not debate. Trump and the Republicans have just made the gap wider.


I agree. We are not (Dems) getting through to the people. I am saddened by the resignation of Al Franken. We need someone to generate some excitement. Now that we have had a reality president maybe its time for Rob Reiner, Tom Hanks or Oprah Winfrey to get into the Democratic candidate pool. Someone who will get others to get excited.

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