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Movies or Music

If you had to give up one of the two, which would it be?

I would never give up music...

*edit. Movies not movie theater viewing... just give up movies altogether no matter what platform or where you would watch it on.

And movies based on music don't have music if you give up music.

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pepperjones 8 June 4

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I'm a dancer so not having music would totally ruin life for me.


Movies would suck without music, so that’s an easy choice.

Lol the Titanic movie with the sh%ttyflute background music ftw


I would definitely take music over movies. Music is my main passion.


Can't dance without music... Well I guess you could, but I fear it wouldn't be the same.


More often than not, I'd watch a movie and regret losing 2 hrs of my life that I can't get back. Music is always good and you can multi-task as you're listening.


Got to have music


I like peace and quiet, a real log fire, a book and a glass of red wine. I'm a wuss lol!


I'm with

Hutch Level 7 June 4, 2018

@pepperjones I'm a drummer, learning guitar...then, hopefully...sax. Music is life?


Movies can be moving or highly entertaining, but that usually diminishes with each viewing. Music on the other hand can move you and continue to evoke strong emotions decades later even if it is the hundredth time you've heard it


reading porn ... just saying


Very grateful its not a choice I actually have to make...


I could quite easily give up both.


Gotta have music.


What about movies that feature music?

@pepperjones , Indeed. A Hard Day's Night wouldn't have a title and the Sound Of Music would become the Sound of Silence. Ironically that's a good song too.

Fantasia would be a bit different with no soundtrack.


I don't go to the movies watch then at home on T.v with a partner - we watch on I-player so we don't have to miss anything important


Oh gawd how is giving up music an option.
When I get scared about dying I think "but I haven't finished listening to everything again yet"

Qualia Level 8 June 21, 2018

Music for sure. Whenever I have my headphones on at work I'm listening to podcasts or audiobooks. And since only movies that are based on music wouldn't have the music then all other movies would still have the soundtracks for them.


Its all about the soul (how do I get a smiley face on laptop)?


I'd have to say movies, because music suffuses everything and everything has rhythm. I can always read books and make movies in my mind.


I wussed out...can't was cruel to put me on the spot like that..??


I wouldn't give up either.
Both are important to me.


Gotta have my metal operas.


Don’t get me wrong, I am a wuss, but if it was life or death, I give up movies!

@pepperjones 😉


I've not seen a movie for years and don't have a television. I play music every day...

Cannot do all day; after a few hours my shoulder starts to hurt.



Coldo Level 8 June 4, 2018

Both movies and music are important. Movies without music would loose some of the emotional impact. Music is a portal to memories and emotions and it awakens all parts of the mind. Movies and music both can envelope you with their stories and concepts.

Gohan Level 7 June 10, 2018
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