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I'm fairly new to this site and haven't searched through all the old posts yet. This is a topic that I imagine has already been discussed ad nauseum, but I haven't seen it so I want to throw it out there.

Are there any atheist/agnostics out there that celebrate christian holidays with their kids?

I grew up in a catholic family and grew up with easter and christmas. And to this day I still love christmas. Easter I can take it or leave it. I always thought that was kind of a weird holiday. But christmas is just fun.

I celebrate both christmas and easter with my kids. To me, there is so much comercialism around both of those holidays that I don't feel like christians have sole claim to them. A fat guy in a red suit putting presents under a tree. A bunny delivering eggs and candy. I can talk about those things all day without having to awkwardly dance around some religious meaning. I celebrate the holidays with my kids as a special time to spend together with family and those you love, and enjoy the magic of the season.

Anyone else celebrate these holidays in non religous ways?

mikecagain 7 July 28
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I do celebrate Christmas. I was raised Jehovah’s Witness and was never allowed, so now it’s become a symbol of my freedom from religion. Also I never even viewed it as a “Christian” holiday to begin with because it was drilled into my head by the JWs that it has pagan roots and that it’s become more of secular holiday to most people. So now it has no religious connotations for me. I just started a Secular Christmas on this site because I love it so much. 😊

I’ve never celebrated Easter but I let my son participate in the egg hunt (again, a practice with pagan roots) at daycare. I think next year I might do natural egg dyeing with my son just for fun. It doesn’t feel religious to me, it just feels like activities/traditions to enjoy with your kid.

I few years back I got an invite to do menorah lighting with a family and regret not going. If I ever got another invite I’d definitely go. I think it’s so cool to learn about other people’s traditions.

kdmom Level 6 July 21, 2020

Yep. We love any excuse to gather, eat good food, and act celebratory, if for better reason than having the OPPORTUNITY to gather and eat. (:

Zster Level 8 Sep 30, 2018

Nether were originally Christian to begin with. They are family events, so I participate.

As usual, bill hicks explains it better than me.

JeffB Level 6 July 29, 2018

Why not? Celebrate the secular versions. If your kids ask about the religious aspects, tell them that you don't believe the nonsense part of it. Demonstrate the strength of your convictions, and show you're proud to believe in what you believe.

GlyndonD Level 7 July 29, 2018
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Posted by kdmomNavajo Baby’s First Laugh Ceremony Obviously I don’t care about the spiritual/religious roots of this, but I love the idea of the tradition over all.

Posted by OpposingOpposumI love this.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

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