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I'm feeling a bit guilty about not doing much with this group yet so here's an "introductory post"

You hear the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child" a LOT as a parent. What do you do when you don't have the crutch of a religious organization to back you up and provide that village. Hopefully this group will grow into an online village to help with that.

How do you explain morality and ethics outside the framework of religion? How do you set your children up for success in a society that's going to view them as outsiders from the beginning and finally what can you give your children to grow them into strong,capable adults with the ability to navigate through a world filled with misinformation and pitfalls waiting to trip them up.

OpposingOpposum 9 Feb 22
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Enjoy being online again!

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Promoting critical thinking. My favorite line as a parent is “ Now you know what not to do next time.”


On ethics and morality, I don't think religion has figured it out at all. I see no correlation to mortality and religion. I think morality comes from empathy. I think sometimes you have to try to invoke empathy from you kids to get them to see it. "How would you feel if someone did that to you?"

It seems with mirror neurons and other such systems in the brain, we have a lot to work with.

JeffB Level 6 Feb 23, 2018

Very true. I know that for me I had to learn how to reason and empathize outside of the religious framework I was raised in it doesn't come "naturally" to me.

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Posted by kdmomNavajo Baby’s First Laugh Ceremony Obviously I don’t care about the spiritual/religious roots of this, but I love the idea of the tradition over all.

Posted by OpposingOpposumI love this.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

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