Cool Kids. Raising children Agnostic/Atheist

A place to discuss parenting strategies and practices without church or "god".

A place to discuss parenting strategies and practices without church or "god".

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Posts Tagged "friends" By OpposingOpposum (8) Posts by anyone

Cool Kids. Raising children Agnostic/Atheist
Sep 21, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by kdmom
Navajo Baby’s First Laugh Ceremony Obviously I don’t care about the spiritual/religious roots of this, but I love the idea of the tradition over all. “Parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents and just about anyone who is close to the family ...
Shared from General & Hellos
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by kdmom
Hi everyone! New member here. 😊 I’m married and have one 3yo and baby on-the-way. I have two questions: What do you all do to build a sense of community for your family? What does that “community” look like? One of the great things ...
Cool Kids. Raising children Agnostic/Atheist
Apr 27, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by AlexRam
I was proud of my 12 yo daughter. She was at school with her friends and I overhead her saying "I am an Atheist". Wish I could have had the courage to do that at 12!


Posted by kdmomNavajo Baby’s First Laugh Ceremony Obviously I don’t care about the spiritual/religious roots of this, but I love the idea of the tradition over all.

Posted by OpposingOpposumI love this.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

Posted by OpposingOpposumNo big lesson or anything,I just wanted to share the cuteness of my son and great niece.

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