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While it is not necessarily an atheist bumper sticker, my all-time favorite was simply "CHOICE" - it covered all manner of subjects!

Rustee 7 July 10
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Best answer to the tampon terrorists


CHOICE was # 30 Buffalo BILLs. ..30 is journalism code for END OF STORY sent over wires...he was not famous for his jersey to be for sale


I believe today it would be equated with abortion. Have you seen it as a bumper sticker? I haven't (at least I don't think I have). Love bumper stickers though, especially the cars that have them as body paint.

The thing that I loved about such a simple statement was that it could be taken any number of ways. It could excite or anger anyone who might choose to interpret it in a manner personal to him/herself! It covers a multitude of 'sins', and I would love to have it again! The only sticker that I have is an oval with a picture of my dogs, my kennel name, and that "they'll drive you happy" (I'm a breeder) I used to have a Darwin fish, a Dogwin fish/dog, and a few other things, but only on the glass so I could remove if I so desired.

@Rustee the EQUAL SIGN " = " is quite powerful for gays and lesbians but the PEACE sign beats the xians mohammedans and other violent faiths..... taoist YINGyang I call my fraternal tadpoles but has not caught on like PAZ MNP et al

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Posted by WordI had thought of this one but never ordered it.

Posted by WordI had thought of this one but never ordered it.

Posted by ReadyforaChangeMy own creation.

Posted by Amber_DexterousPoke at capitalism.

Posted by Amber_DexterousKnow means Know Not Believe

Posted by luckytobealiveVARIATION ON THE ICHTUS SYMBOL

Posted by TampaHeathenMy favorite...

Posted by BakuninA local skaters group

Posted by TriphidPaganism versus Xtianity, Where exactly is the difference?

Posted by Rossy92An appropriate twist on the term creationist.

Posted by jimevansToo bad I totaled this rig several months ago.

Posted by Rossy92Hitchens was fond of pointing out the infantilism of wanting there to forever be a big daddy in the sky to look after you.

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