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When it comes to anything that you could possibly have an opinion on, I'm very loud and poignant, but in 6 years I've not said a word about vaxxers or antivaxxers.

I have found that it is a hard subject for me to make an opinion on. On the one hand I like not having polio or smallpox, and on the other hand I do understand medical freedom and that there do exist complications as with any medicine.

And it seems no matter which way I lean, I'm very wrong. To put it into perspective my mother is an antivaxxer. Now, she gets mad when you say that and will go on a tangent about how she IS NOT antivax she's anti government control and pro choice. But then she continues to post all these antivaxxer articles and it's a mess.

Anyway, I myself do not get vaccines anymore as I have a weird insane immune system.

I got the TDAP and proceeded to have pertussis every. Single. Year. Until I stopped getting it. Hard to ignore my body's evidence. Same happened with the flu shot and now I KNOW that the flu shot doesnt have a live virus nor does it 100% stop the flu but I'm just saying I haven't had the flu since I stopped getting it. Am i antivax? No. I think if your body has shown no problems go ahead. I am not 100% pro vax but then, again, I'd rather you get it if you can.

Sigh. I just wanted to get that off my chest because like i said i haven't been allowed to talk about it without it erupting into a giant war.

Honestly I'm scared to talk about it here, but none of you I have to deal with in my daily real life. If you have (respectful!) Opinions, please share. (Just don't turn it into an argument. Friendly debate allowed)

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Jan 22
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I get flu, pneumonia, and shingles vaccines. My immune system is not the greatest, so I need the help. Been getting the flu vaccine for many years, but in recent years have had the flu on two occasions. I attribute my getting the flu despite the vaccine to one year the vaccine missing the strain and a relatively ineffective vaccine the other year (that was last season).

I have a grand nephew who has a rare disorder and he was unable to receive vaccines at the normal ages because of it. He depended on herd immunity for some time. Almost every time he would get sick, it would turn into an emergency.


Yes, there are side effects for vaccines. You know how serious drug side effects can be since you have been on multiple for your various conditions. You weigh the pros and cons. In that case, though, not taking a certain med would only affect you.

The purpose for vaccines is herd immunity, which is not the case any other medication. While I do feel that people should have a say in their own medical situations, we also need to understand the concept of abolishing these diseases. I mean, that's what people want, right? To eradicate disease?

But now comes a time that we are smarter and more informed tha8t the people we pay big bucks to because of their gazillion years of medical training. We know more and are more inclined to say so.

If I were to guess, 95% of people who don't get vaccinated don't have a medical reason not to do so. It's purely due to internet research. I myself am allergic to certain types of vaccines. I have to ask ahead of time what they're made of.

My point is, I am pro vaccine. I worked in the animal field for many years and gave so many vaccines. Never saw the adverse reactions like the anti vaxxers are convinced will happen.

If they would shut up, listen to the professionals, and quit the conspiracy theory mentality, they will find valid and accurate research to guide them to the right decision.

Alimacbean Level 7 Jan 22, 2019

I do trust most of the scientific research, but I've also in my job seen how the science can be altered and many don't try reproduce the effects through multiple testings and that means there aren't people double checking their work. Jardiance was released to the public touring that they help reduce blood sugar and lose weight.

Nobody mentioned the fact that oh it can also cause your genitals to rot off and die.

Not having multiple long term researches on stuff is why we get those fun lawsuit commercials "if you or someone you know has DIED WHILE TAKING THIS DRUG".

It's a risk. But again, like you said, everything has risk.

I just follow what my body tells me right now. And they are working on a hypoallergenic version of the flu shot so I might give that a try, because maybe it has just been my immune system freaking out.

Ah well


Flu shot - I had it happen - but the explanation is? You already had the flu when you got the shot.

It happened to me. However I get the shot every year. With a crappy immune system at least that's a few flus I am less likely to get.

Also they can only put so many flu versions into the shot. You can still get any of the ones they missed.

RavenCT Level 9 Jan 22, 2019

They say that, but I work surrounded by people with the flu and have not gotten the flu since I stopped getting it. Maybe it's a giant coincidence, maybe my body is just super insane (it is) but I'm not one to ignore that and certainly not the pertussis one because that is some horrible stuff and I've broken ribs from it.

I am considering the pneumonia vaccine because I've had pneumonia a lot and the added issue I have with dysphagia i wonder if it'll help.

Like I said I'm definitely not antivax. I'm just not completely 100% vax. I think it's important to get them if you can.

I also developed an allergy to the TB test. That was weird.

When my immune system is more under control and less "KILL EVERYTHING" I'd like to try again with the flu shots. They're coming out with some that are hypoallergenic soon, which I wonder if that will help.

@LadyAlyxandrea Yes the decent Doctor I had before this idgit - told me to get the Flu shot - and the pneumonia shot - and I got the one for something else too? The pneumonia lasts for quite a few years - so once you have it -you can be good for a decade or so.

The flu shot - well I usually react to that. I've got an egg allergy (but I lie about that because it's not THAT severe) and the last time I had the flu - I broke a chair coughing. That was pretty horrible.

I did some research and I just don't know how it could give you the flu?
But lowering your already low immunity? It could do that. So if you had a virus already - there you go "Boom Flu!". And I read an article on how that happens. And how people never get their flu shots ever again.

It is the reason I won't get the Shingles vax. I had Chicken Pox in my 30s. I'm afraid if I add any viral load to that I'll reactivate it. If I could speak to a virologist? I might go for it. But my idgit Doctor? He's have no clue. (Particularly if he were going to make money off my butt). Sigh.

He doesn't believe Fibro and CFS make you immune compromised. It isn't like my immune system doesn't exist? But yes my immunity is crap compared to other humans. I'd hate to work in an office!

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