4 1

This group is suspiciously quiet for a major metro region in a time of pandemic. I hope everyone is staying safe and surviving. I'm one of those lucky enough to have kept my job but I'm trying to spread it around by dining, and drinking locally in a way we never did before but I know many others are not so fortunate and hurting. I personally don't know anyone who has died from COVID-19 but I have friends who do. And I have a half dozen friends who have contracted it and recovered. These numbers will increase and eventually almost everyone will know someone that died and dozens who caught it. It's reality and it's coming.

Anyway, just wanted to say high and how the heck are you Bay Area folks?

prometheus 7 May 3
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Hey! Totally agree that this bay-area group is waaaay too quiet. I'd think there would be more chatter, but possibly with so many tech folks in the bay area, a lot might be very concerned about their privacy and might not want to admit in such a public way that they are either agnostic or athiest. I too have some concerns about it, but figure this is likely the easiest place besides NYC to be agnostic/athiest.

I'd love to meet people from this site someday, once it's safe for people to socialize again.

sarbot Level 4 Sep 25, 2020

Sounds like a plan! Maybe we just have it too easy here and no one is searching for non-theists to hang with in the Bay Area because the place is crawling with them?

And your concerns about privacy are completely understood - with this site I've definitely had some concerns which have recently been found to be not completely baseless. However probably not as big a deal if we were atheists or agnostics in say Oklahoma.

@prometheus Certainly have to agree with you; SF bay area is as friendly as it gets for Agnostics/Atheists in the US, so not a lot to worry about. Still you never know who will hold it against you or what they'll do about it.


Safe here at the Veterans Home in Napa County’s Yountville.

Like @p-nullifidian, the administrator here announced strict practices in mid-March and is now able to say there are no infections among the more than 700 residents.

yvilletom Level 8 July 9, 2020

Safe so far in Berkeley. But who knows with the scarcity of testing available who may have already gotten and recovered from it?

MarkWD Level 7 May 19, 2020

"High" to you, as well. My wife and I operate a residential care facility for the elderly in the Outer Sunset. After what happened to the facility in the Seattle area, my wife went all 'mama bear' and began instituting strict practices in early March, prior to the County and State directives, which came weeks later. We have not let our guards down, and are concerned that complacency could lead to an outbreak. And until we have an effective vaccine, we fear we may be facing COVID again, later this year.

Good for you - I hope your preemptive caution has paid off and quite possibly saved lives and suffering.
I'm sure it's been a big effort to pull off after two months - tough on you, the residents, and their families. Are most able to figure out the intricacies of Internet video conferencing to speak with people outside of the facility? Or do you just set that up for them and let them chat? Or do the technology challenged just stick to phone calls?

At least I know when my time comes to be looked after I'll be all ready to go full in with VR goggles and what have you! Just stick me in a pod, hook me up with tubes, turn on the matrix and I'll be happy.

Anyway, thanks for replying to my "high". I swear it was just my auto-correct that made me high, at least when I posted it.

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Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

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