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Is anyone here up in the North Bay?

FSMLion 7 Aug 1
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After 14 happy and well-paid years in mainframe computer software, I moved to SF with thoughts of law school but decided to retire. Twenty happy years in SF, and now 24 years in Yountville, nine miles north of Napa. Huge and wonderful absence of religion.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 22, 2021

I'm in Santa Rosa. I was in Lake County for several years. If it wasn't for the internet, I would've thought I was the only atheist around. What's new? Other than plague and disaster.


I'm in Santa Rosa as well. I don't get on here too often.

KathyK Level 3 Aug 12, 2019

in SR too..


Point Reyes

FSMLion Level 7 Aug 1, 2019
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Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

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