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I thought Bernie Sanders was a Socialist? Socialism in the modern sense doesn't work. If everyone's making the same amount of there's no incentive improve and the lazy feed off the hard workers no incentives!

Drew69 7 Aug 18
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There you go thinking again. What have you been told about doing that?


You're getting tripped up by focusing only on the word "socialist".

According to the Democratic Socialists of America web site, "Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives."

The characterization of "the lazy feed of the hard workers" is just a common form of character assassination and the first step in building a straw man to argue against. There's plenty of millionaires that don't even put in 20 hours a week of even half-hearted effort for their income, and there's no shortage of people who are working 40-80 hours a week that bust their asses the whole time and come home exhausted every day, and still barely make enough to get by, if that.

In the USA today, luck plays a much greater part in whether someone gets rich or does well than hard work - by a few orders of magnitude.

chilehead9 Level 7 Aug 18, 2018

That should read "the lazy feed OFF the hard workers".

The person that has been inserting typos into my comments has been sacked.

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