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I know we are all aware that the internet is being used to manipulate us politically. A couple of current examples. The NYT piece on how the democratic party can unify by making Bloomberg Secretary of State and requiring Bernie to give up his right to pick his own running mate and cabinet. This is setting context--so that when Bernie does not embrace this proposal, and the super-delegates are stealing the nomination from him, they can cite the need for party unity--which they can then say, Bernie rejected, as the reason. We should all know that the NYT gives worse and less fair coverage to Bernie than Fox News. The other has to do with the Corona Virus. I am in a Cajun culture and language group where a picture of empty shelves at a grocery store in response to the Corona Virus was shown. Someone said, why this virus, and why now (for the big scare campaign) and gave a couple of links saying that it was just one more election year scare tactic being used by Trump. This got taken down. So I put up the apolitical numbers, that worldwide, the mortality rate for the annual flu runs about at 13%, while the corona virus runs at about 3%--I have gotten numerous likes and it is still up. Just remember that thinking positively anything political from the NYT is a lot like thinking the guy in the van with the puppies is just trying to be nice to the kids.

DavidDuhon 7 Mar 2
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Scare tactic by Trump he's been telling the people not to worry that there's nothing to worry about how is he being a scare tactic whoever thinks that is a fucking idiot!!!!!!

Drew69 Level 7 Mar 3, 2020

Sears Boerne crap for you

Drew69 Level 7 Mar 3, 2020

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Posted by Drew69Interesting

Posted by Rudy1962I've given 55 dollars so far, and now this, for Bernie:). Because I believe in him.

Posted by Snickers77This is what real leadership looks like.

Posted by Snickers77This is what real leadership looks like.

Posted by Snickers77Word.

Posted by Snickers77The Revolution is in-progress.

Posted by Snickers77The Revolution is in-progress.

Posted by Snickers77Word!

Posted by Snickers77How about you?

Posted by Snickers77He's the ONE!

Posted by Snickers77Damn right on!

Posted by Snickers77In for the long run.

Posted by Snickers77Bernie in chains when Hilary was a Goldwater Girl.

Posted by Snickers77This says it all!

Posted by Snickers77Feel the Bern!

Posted by Will-I-AMLest we EVER Forget

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