
Supporters of Bernie Sanders, and his movement to bring back real democracy

Supporters of Bernie Sanders, and his movement to bring back real democracy

Posts Tagged "democratic" By KarlHannah (1) Posts by members only

Shared from Politics
Mar 2, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by DavidDuhon
I know we are all aware that the internet is being used to manipulate us politically. A couple of current examples. The NYT piece on how the democratic party can unify by making Bloomberg Secretary of State and requiring Bernie to give up his right...
Feb 28, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Drew69
1 comment
Dec 2, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by Drew69
Bernie Sanders is a Democratic Socialist a severe hypocrisy and he's a hypocrite
1 comment
Aug 18, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Drew69
Socialism is a stail invironment no improvements ever come out of socialsm that's why Russia is back a democratic/zar government even though democratic by nature still led by fear and intimidation like the communist party only they say they're ...
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Photos 18 More

Posted by Drew69Interesting

Posted by Rudy1962I've given 55 dollars so far, and now this, for Bernie:). Because I believe in him.

Posted by Snickers77This is what real leadership looks like.

Posted by Snickers77This is what real leadership looks like.

Posted by Snickers77Word.

Posted by Snickers77The Revolution is in-progress.

Posted by Snickers77The Revolution is in-progress.

Posted by Snickers77Word!

Posted by Snickers77How about you?

Posted by Snickers77He's the ONE!

Posted by Snickers77Damn right on!

Posted by Snickers77In for the long run.

Posted by Snickers77Bernie in chains when Hilary was a Goldwater Girl.

Posted by Snickers77This says it all!

Posted by Snickers77Feel the Bern!

Posted by Will-I-AMLest we EVER Forget

  • Top tags#BernieSanders #world #democratic #democrats #socialist #money #religion #culture #kids #campaign #truth #video #capitalism #religious #god #hope #hello #children #fear #moral #cats #DonaldTrump #reason #fox #communism #parasites #vote #pledge #secular #spirit #Atheist #weddings #Humanist #Christian #cannabis #book #church #media #society #youtube #pets #relationship #heterosexual #government #theories #multiverse #baseball #supernatural #judgement #nonreligious ...

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