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Just finished reading "American Fascists" by Chris Hedges. It's about 10 years old now, but still very relevant, showing how the religious right is tryign to steer us towards a theocracy with the34mselves in charge. A good read in helping to explain the current political situation in the U.S

snytiger6 9 July 14
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It is on my reading list. What is scary is that it gets truer and truer. I really believe our country is at a very bad place. And now our fake president has told 4 of the junior house members to "go back to the countries they came from" and not one single Republican representative has chastised him or spoken out is more than troublesome. And fake president's fake wife is an immigrant - such a disconnect.


That's what turned me away from the Republican party for good, when their convention became a tent revival meeting.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 14, 2019

For me, I left the republican party (back in the mid 1980's) when I noticed the bigotry, which did nto align with my own personal values. Personally I see the "racial problem" as beign that peopel simply do not understand that there is only once race, the human race. Also no group of peopel shoudl ever be treated as less than human. I rmember readign in George orwell's "Animal Farm" how at first one of the animal's priciples was that all animals are created equal. Then they changed it to all animals are created euqal, but but are more euqal than others. That is hwo th eslipperyg slope starts towards ethinic cleansing, and since the 1980's when I left, the republiocans have moved more and more towards fascism.

It doesn't matter if it is a peson of color, an LGBTQ person, or a person with different religious beliefs, all persons deserves a minimum level of human rights and to be treate43d with decency.

@snytiger6 Right, there is no such thing as "almost equality," either you believe in equality or you don't. The problem I have when religion & politics marry is that religion so often gives bigotry God's blessing and authority, as in "I don't want to discriminate against you but God says I have to."

I can tell you are younger than me. For years when I was growing up it was the Democratic Party that was the real party of bigotry as it included the Southern Democrats who believed in segregation such as James Eastland that Biden worked with and compromised with.

@Heraclitus Yeah, I beleive in teh south the racists democrats are known as the "blue dog democrats". Although democratic party changed their views, first with Truman desegregating the military and then later with Johnson signign the cdivil rights act, the south is steeped in tradition and would tno change the politicl party they registered with. When Nixon employed the "southern strategy" to pick up the disenfranchised racists that the democrats abandoned, the younger generations registered as republicans Of course that is just greatly generalizing.

Yeah, I am 56, and grew up and spent mos tof my life in southern California, so i had to make en effort to learn the general history of the parties in other part of the country. Our country is so large that there is a lot of regional history which most citizens never learn without making a conscious effort to tyr to learn about it.

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