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Let's not think we are immune to being hacked by the Russians. We're next.

Lukian 8 July 23
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This has nothing to do with ideology. Russia interferes with the internal workings of USA to reduce the power and prestige of a rival. This is just business. The USA has done and continues to do far worse for similar reasons; it is just that the Russians are more skilled and in the case of Trump, incredibly successful. If would be rather fun to keep watching this circus if it were not for the collateral damage to our country and others.

Arouet Level 7 July 23, 2018

It can be entertaining if it weren't so depressing.


Funny how Russia always seems to be working to get social conservatives elected isn't it? Its like they want the stupid people to prevail.

their real intent is to demonstrate that democracy is bogus and does not work. Democracy is a flawed system but it's the best system.

@Lukian I don't agree, their real intent is to cause the scum to rise to the top and in the process cripple government program that help the people and grow ignorance and delusion's power of the West.

@HeathenFarmer with result in the same.

Stupid people are easier to control.


Nobody in government is trustworthy.

that's a little harsh. Canada is one on the least corrupt countries in the world.

@Lukian True, but its still the government.

So if I throw my hat in the ring for mayor of my local township that great power will corrupt me? The township budget is around 10% of the projects I used to build and the pay for the year is less than I used to make in a month, however will I resist the dark power of government. lol

@Lilac-Jade I don't want to live in a country that I can't rely on the government even if it's not ruled by the party I prefer. That would be a sad day if the majority of Canadians felt that way.

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